Time to relax and enjoy ourselves!


Thanks to Nana and PopPop, we got a much-needed weeklong vacation in Myrtle Beach this August.  After a long summer of moving with a new baby, getting prepared for school and working, we were definitely ready for the break!!  We took it easy most of the time, just enjoying the beach and the lack of schedule.  Of course we had to do the waterslides, and Jim and the kids did the rides at the Pavilion.  We really enjoyed being together for a whole week more than anything. And the storms we had - wow!  Our 18th-floor condo had the view of a lifetime.

Here are some photos from the trip.  You can click on the ones on the right if you want to see close-up.  Hopefully this will make the page load faster for you.

Where's David you may ask.....other than this picture, which we forced him to take, he was a bit camera-shy on this trip.  But he had a great time too!

These sharks swam right over our heads in the glass tunnel area of the aquarium - totally awesome experience!  You should see the teeth on them. 


go home

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The waterslides had something for everyone - even Katherine!

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The girls played together in the wading pool for nearly 30 minutes before Katherine gave out.

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Don't you wish you could sleep like that???

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We hit Ripley's Aquarium one night - these two "fish" were really goofing off.
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Lauren and Dad were checking out a horse-shoe crab at the tide pool.