My father took this picture. I don't think he really knew what he had. What a beautiful sight!
My Beautiful Day I borrowed a poem from the sky, And music from a bird, I stole a chime out of the wind, And from the rose a word, I borrowed a song from the hills, A psalm from the silver rain, I took the footsteps of angels Out of a cobbled lane, From each little thing I fashioned Something in my own way, With God's help I put my heart A beautiful, Wonderful Day! Marion Schoeberlein
Just so you will know my name is Kourtney. In September of 1996 at the age of 21 three weeks before my 22rd birthday I found out I had Ovarian Cancer. Just like with any diagnoses most people are in denial. I to was in denial. I didn't want to believe that something like that could happen to me. I was a junior in college in Denmark, South Caroline. I was so very unsure of my future. I could not see past that minute. As a matter of fact I don't want to. But , Thank God for prayer. I had a praying family. And believe me prayer does change things.
Ovarian Cancer… It Whispers… So Listen!
National Ovarian Cancer Coalition
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