Welcome to my Guestbook!

Zilchman - 09/26/00 22:13:46
My URL:http://www.zilchman.moonfruit.com
Favorite Amimal: CAT
Favorite Old Person: MUM

Enjoyed looking through your site, like the way you designed it. Have added my site, think you will like it, I invented the 'Zilch' board game, which I know your grand children will love. Like to known what you think of my site? You can send a e-mail to the site leader, which you will find on the bottom right of the screen of the site. Bye for now, Zilchman.

- 09/12/00 02:45:53


Pathogen - 08/28/00 12:03:12
My Email:My Bedroom
Favorite Amimal: RayneStorm
Favorite Old Person: My Parents




Pathogen - 08/26/00 20:07:23
My Email:http://www.neocities.com:8003/update?name="Your name Here"
Favorite Amimal: My Hog
Favorite Old Person: Me and My Sheep



Great Page Bob

candykayn Dragon - 08/06/00 23:42:17
My URL:if i could remember i would tell you
My Email:Aphros
Favorite Amimal: Otters, dragons, polar bears
Favorite Old Person: Whats an old person?

Excellent bob! truly is! i wish i knew what to say in these things but that has never come naturally so ill close it off now.

BrattyGirl - 07/30/00 01:13:11
My URL:http://members.fortunecity.com/june1999/bratty1.html
My Email:~the tub and then vp's
Favorite Amimal: dog
Favorite Old Person: my grandpapa

loved the page.......nice work

Vanity - 07/25/00 02:54:53
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ar/EmeraldEyes/index.html
My Email:good question
Favorite Amimal: horse
Favorite Old Person: my parents

good page bob...

Jbear - 07/02/00 06:08:38
My Email:Aprho's
Favorite Amimal: bear
Favorite Old Person: bob *L*

Finally I get to see the real bob. Love the page bob... hurry up and get more on it for me to read... I was half expecting my screen to crash, turn pink and spin circles but I guess you save that for the chatrooms *L*. Good stuff bob. Hugs Bear... (Psst .. I'd better get a big cookie for being nice)

Aussie Mum - 06/28/00 09:17:32
My Email:Not much of a chatter, chattie, chatterer...whatever
Favorite Amimal: a pink bunny of course
Favorite Old Person: a certain Texan guy comes to mind

Hi Bob & Ruth. Not as many pages as the RayneStorm's, but as I have NONE, I won't say too much. Nice to keep in touch. Robyn.

~Conure~ - 06/28/00 05:34:04
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/yt/realms
My Email:Persian Kitty's
Favorite Amimal: You have to ASK?
Favorite Old Person: Grandmothers - 2 of em left - the most wonderful people!

I really like it bob...... no capital b?.......~s~....I imagine them there kiddies and grankiddies would argue with that ............

~Conure~ - 06/28/00 05:31:10
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/yt/realms
My Email:Persian Kitty's
Favorite Amimal: You have to ASK?


Rayne - 06/25/00 14:04:46
My URL:http://www.macrowerx.com/~scream
Favorite Amimal: Dolphin
Favorite Old Person: bob, of course

I didn't think this was going to ready for a while, but then you go and surprize everyone. Be careful that Path does not see this, or else he will leave messages about sheep all through yours also.

Catcher - 06/25/00 08:46:31
My Email:Aphrodites..still. ~L~
Favorite Amimal: Elk
Favorite Old Person: Isn't old a state of mind?

Will wonders never cease? bob has made a homepage and I like it. I am truly amazed that I'm so near the beginning of the list in signing your guest book. See ya around bob.

bob - 06/24/00 00:35:42


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