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I think I need to make a new page or change this one.
About us
  My name is bob. I was born in Connecticut and lived most of my life in Massachusetts and Maine. Later I moved to Wisconsin but now live in  Arkansas.  I am 69 years old and retired.  I have two children and twleve grandchildren.  My wife's name is Ruth. She is a retired school teacher and likes to write. She likes gardening and music. There is a link to some Christian articles that she wrote just below.
   This is my first try at making a home page, so if you like it tell others. If you do not like it, keep it to yourself, please.
A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and gives you the words when you have forgotten them.
Being retired I stay up late and get up late. Do a lot of driving to see kids and grandkids. I like my computer and have learned a lot on my own. In my younger days I had a few motorcycles. But now all my driving is with four wheels. I try to walk every day and lift a few weights. As the years go by I lift less and less (in pounds that is).  I like going to the movies. Don't watch as much TV as I used to. Seems like there is not anything good on now. My favorite channel is Nick at Night with all those old reruns.
Mom was always there
If ever I fell
A kiss to scraped knee
Made it immediately well

She sees through a fib
By my facial expression
Then patiently waits to hear
The truth by confession

Mom knows my thoughts
Long before I do
Leaving me to wonder
If I left a clue

Looking in the mirror
Amazed by what I see
A picture perfect reflection
Of my dear mom in me

Copyright © 1999 by Connie A Slagle
Ryburn's page
Social Security online
Webgrid freeware
Yahoo greeting cards
Heartlight cards
Any and all compliments can be handled by simply saying"Thank You" though it helps if you say it with a Southern accent.
To play the games you need Java on. These games are made with java script. Thank you!
Java will be on unless you know how to turn it off.
I have a HTML editor on my site. If you need help using colors or anything else in HTML in chat rooms, click here to go to the site and learn some new tricks.
Click here to see my grandson's page about sports. He is a Wisconsin
Badger fan.
Click here to see what he things about the Green Bay Packers.
View my old guestbook
I hope you have a good day.
Remember, Jesus is Lord!
Click here for a good site!
But please look at my site first or
please come back.
Thank you for stopping by.
I hope you enjoy the rest of the site.
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