My Awards

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This is my very first award which I received on

October 4, 1999. Thank you so much Debi. This was a thrill

beyond words!

Mike & Teresa! Thank you so very much!

A very special thank you to all of these wonderful people who take the time and trouble to create and give these awards. I believe that we are all children at heart. Therefore, recognition for our 'attempts to please' are often defined by certificates, awards, grades, and so forth. Below you'll find the frosting on my cake, and I treasure every beautiful lump of sugar that I've received. Again, my heartfelt thanks to all!

Michele, thank you. This is lovely!

Toni! This is beautiful! Thank you!

Kristen, thank you so very much; I'm honored!

Susan, this is wonderful. Thank you!

Thank you very much!  Again!!  =-)

<bgsound src="LOVE.mid" controls="smallconsole">

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Yahoo! Geocities

Speaking Turtle, I feel honored to receive this from you!