Welcome to my Guestbook! Want to say something to everyone? Well, somebody did! And here's what they had to say...

Jenni - 09/04/00 16:57:10
My URL:jenniann@mail.utexas.edu

Hey everyone! I love this page! It looks great! Take care!

Laura - 07/09/00 05:36:52
My URL:sweetypie1990@hotmail.com

I hope you two workout any fights that you have,and stay married and have a big family!! I love you.Good Luck!!

mary ann - 04/17/00 01:54:01
My URL:http://StrwbryWn3@aol.com

hey everyone!! this is turning out great!! i love the girls night out scrapbook pages, they're awsome!!

Uncle Thad - 04/09/00 05:58:10

Nice page. - Thad 4/8/00

Melissa Allen - 03/10/00 16:38:29
My URL:ArtistMKA@aol.com

Elena&Scott you are the greatest cusions ever

Laura Robbins - 12/30/99 07:46:07
My URL:Sweetypie1990

I loved the wedding and the reception!Have a great marrige!!

Kenneth Robbins - 12/28/99 02:28:16
My URL:http://klrobb@gte.net

Hello Everyone, Just thought I would send a note to say hi! I really hope that everyone can start using this page. This is great!! Kenneth

Elena - 07/27/99 15:52:57
My URL:ekotrla@yahoo.com

It WORKS! Yippee!

Elena - 07/27/99 15:51:52
My URL:ekotrla@yahoo.com

Hi everyone! I'm testing this silly thing out to see if it works! :-)

The Benson's - 07/26/99 23:38:07
My URL:http://JBenson@pnx.com

Great Pictures Elena. We wish you and Scott much happiness.

Jennifer - 07/19/99 01:21:14
My URL:cocacola61@hotmail.com

I just can't wait untill you get those pictures of us swimming and us at Six Flags, ect ect!!!

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