Welcome to Elena's Place!

Jacob's Page!!

Jacob is finally here! Click here to take a look!

The Photo Gallery

The photo gallery on this site was soooooo out of date! Now, all my time is spent on
Jacob's photos & website. AND, since my space on the web was being eaten up by these old
files, I have decided to take them offline so that there is more space
for Jacob's page.

Please visit Jacob's home page to see his pictures!

Note: Wedding pictures are still temporarily available HERE

Robbins Family website!!

Uncle Kenneth has been working on a page at MyFamily.com and we need to make sure EVERYONE joins. This site will let us all work on the family tree together, keep track of birthdays, upload photos - and even upload sounds/video! **Family trees have been started online at MyFamily.com, and we need your help to keep them accurate!! Enter all the information you can, please! If you need help, email me at ekotrla@yahoo.com. [NOTE: in order to keep the Robbins Family site secure, and available only to family members, you must be "invited" in order to gain a password for the site. Email me if you need an invitation!]

Useful Links

Guest Book

Leave message after the beep,... Leave any kind of message you want here... but a BETTER place to leave messages for the whole family would be on the MyFamily.com web site!

Sign Guestbook
View Guestbook

last updated September 12, 2002