Alpha and Omega

A and Z.
The LoRD gave us two sons who grew to manhood.
Shortly before his 16th birthday, grown to 6'1", a high school 
sophomore, Aaron, our firstborn, was mortally injured, thrust 
out into eternity.
Our second born, Zane, was then 12.
Today our younger son, grown in wisdom and in stature,
is grown, away from home.
Upon their births, we inscribed on each of their birth 
announcements the following endeared phrase:

"A little boy is what GoD uses to make a man."
In time, my husband and I have come to more 
fully understand  those words the Glory of GoD.


This webpage is dedicated

~In Memory of~

~~~ Aaron Kyrk ~~~
With Us ~~~ May 20, 1975
With Jesus ~~~ Mar 21, 1991

"He cannot come to me, but I shall go 
to where he is."
(Spoken by Old Testament King David, 
of his deceased son.)


~In Honor of~

~~~ Zane Gardner ~~~
With Us ~~~ July 27, 1978

"I have no greater joy than to know that 
my children walk in the Truth."



Ambassadors Of Christ

The Ambassadors Of Christ SiteRing
John 13:34,35
"A new commandment I give to you,
that you love one another;
as I have loved you,...
By this all will know that
you are My disciples,
if you have love for one another."
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