Greetings Many of you probably know by now that we've moved to Wilmington, NC at the end of Dec '99. So here we are, starting this year in a new place, new life, new adventures and a new site. While we were decorating our new home, I thought renovating this 'ol thang' would be nice too.
If you are here, then you're probably know who we are. In case this is your first time and you don't know us (yet), let me introduce myself. I'm Piyarat, also known as mommy. I live with my husband to be, Aaron and my two daughters, Jalina and Malia.
Since we're new in town, we're going to find a lot of new things to do. So check here for What's new? I promise to update the site as often as possible.
And now that you're here, please take your time, click around, view a couple pages, get to know us, get updated on us. You'll find a lot of cute pictures of Jalina & Malia in the Photo Album (some of Aaron and I too). If you're looking for Thai food recipes, the Kitchen is open 24/7, help yourself.
Before you leave don't forget to sign our guestbook or if you want to see what crazy things people have been saying about us, you can view our guestbook. If you can't find what you're looking for or just want to chat, don't hesitate to email us
Last update January 23, 2000