John Brantner(Brandner) And His Decendents

John & Susannah's Graves in Reformed Church Cemetery in Boonsboro, MD with their great-great-great granddaughter, Margaret Garman, Gustafson Williams in 1984.

Our earliest known Brantner ancestor that we know anything about was John Brantner(Brandner), who was in Washngton County, MD by 1800 according to the Federal Census of that year.

John Brantner was of German descent and was born 9 February 1761, in PA the son of Andreas Brantner and Sussanna. He married Susannah in about the early 1780's. Susannah was born 9 May 1767, also probably in PA. John and Susannah settled in Lower Antietam Hundred on a tract of land called Weldone. In his will, dated 12 August 1818, John bequeths to his "beloved wife" Susannah, the House and Lot which we at present occupy and possess, including Barn, Stable, and Meathouse, to which she is to hold and possess for three years from the day of my death, and at the expiration of said three years, said Lot, with all the improvements thereon shall be sold at Public Sale. I also bequeth to my dear wife, ten acres of timber land, to be part of the tract called Weldone, said ten acres to be laid off at the east end of said tract.... He also directed his executors to purchase from a quarter to a half acre of land in or near Boonsboro and to erect a one story log house for Susannah's use during her life. John Brantner died 28 August 1818 and is buried at the Reformed Church in Boonsboro, MD. Susannah died 25 January 1830 and is buried beside her husband. The couple had 5 sons and 2 daughters born to them in the period from about 1783 through 1802. Children of this couple are:

  1. Susannah Brantner, oldest daughter, born about 1783, married 26 November 1803, to Henry Nyman. Susannah Nyman died in 1876.
  2. John W. Brantner, probably born about 1799, married Mary Null (Hull).
  3. Margaret Elizabeth Brantner, born 1792 in Boonsboro, Washington County, MD, married 22 November 1808 in that county to Ephraim Davis . He then married Margaret Elizabeth Brantner. Ephriam died in 1847 in Boonsboro.
  4. George Brantner, born about 1783 and married Nelly Reader on 1 May 1813 in Washington Co., MD
  5. Samuel Brantner, born 1800 in Boonsboro, MD and died 8 May 1829 in Jefferson Co., WV. He married Elizabeth Pollock Engle on 4 July 1824.
  6. Michael John Brantner,was born 14 January 1790 in Washington County Maryland, he married 30 March 1811 in that county to Mary B.(Polly) Weast daughter of Leonard Weast and his wife Elizabeth, who was born 16 December 1792, and died 21 March 1831 at the age of 37yrs.9mo.11days. She is buried at the Reformed Church Cemetery in Boonsboro, MD, and her tombstone bears the inscription, "But do not keep on grieving me - You know I must go home - I was upon a visit here and now I must return". Michael and Mary had nine children before her death. On 8 November 1831 he married Catherine Allabaugh in Washington County before Rev. Rinehart. Michael and Catherine also had 9 children. Michael was a cooper by trade and it has also been said that he was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, but as yet this has not been confirmed. He died 11 March 1851 with burial at the Reformed Church in Cemetery, Potomioc Street, Boonsboro, MD.

MaryAnna Catherine Phillips Brantner

Michael John Brantner, son of Michael John Brantner and Mary B. "Polly" Weast was born 24 August 1816 in Washington Co., MD and married 18 September 1845 in Ogle Co., IL by Rev. T.S.Hitt to MaryAnn Catherine Phillips. MaryAnn was born 12 November 1826 in Washington Co., MD, daughter of William and Susan Huffard Phillips. Michael was 23 years old when he came to Pine Creek Township, Ogle Co., IL on 5 October 1839 with 37-1/2 cents in his pocket, in the company of John C. Coffman, also from Washington Co., MD. In November 1839 he went to St Charles, IL where he spent his first winter in IL. In the Spring of 1840 he returned to Ogle County and worked by the month as a farm assistant to Mr. Coffman. In 1844 he purchased 120 acres of land in Pine Creek Township, south of the village of Mt. Morris, IL. That township, at the time, was not named and was in wholly unbroken condition. He made his furniture and tables from store boxes and bedsteads from poles cut in the woods, he also made the shingles to cover his house. In the early 1840's he often hauled grain to Chicago, the trip took 13 days and at one time it rained 12 of those days. In 1846 he sold this property and purchased about 100 acres of land situated in the northern portion of Lincoln Township on which he settled until 1864. In 1864 he purchased 200 acres of land in Section 24 in the Township of Lincoln for it's valuable location on the West Branch Creek where he spent the remainder of his life. Eleven children were born to this couple in the period 1846 to 1867. Mary Ann died 18 December 1899 and Michael on 10 October 1907 with burial at the West Grove Cemetery, Ogle Co., IL. There children:

  1. William Huffard Brantner, born 12 June 1846 in Ogle Co., IL and died 5 January 1848 and buried at West Grove Cemetery.
  2. Urias E. Brantner, born 14 August 1847 in Lincoln Township on his father's farm. On 6 May 1864, at the age of 17, he went to Forreston, IL and enlisted in Company D, 142nd Infantry Illinois Volunteers. On 26 June 1864 the Company moved on to White's Station, 11 miles from Memphis, on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad where they were assigned to guarding the Railroad. He was mustered out of the Service in Chicago, IL on 26 October 1864, serving nearly 6 months of service during the Civil War. On his return to Ogle Co., he engaged in farming and held many inportant offices in Lincoln Township, including that of member and clerk of the school board for 23 years and Supervisor of Lincoln Township from 1895 to 1915. He owned 84 acres of land in Mt. Morris and Lincoln Township. He died at the Old Homested at which he was raised on 22 November 1928, with burial at West Grove Cemetery next to his parents.
  3. Samuel C. Brantner, was born 18 May 1849 in Lincoln Township, Ogle Co., IL. He was married in that county in 1888 to Julia M. Garber, who was born in 1859 and died in 1928. Samuel died in 1942 at the home of his son Benjamin. Both he and his wife are buried at the West Branch Cemetery on Haldane Road in Ogle County, IL.
  4. John Franklin Brantner, was born 12 August 1851 in Maryland Sta., Ogle Co., IL and died 3 December 1928 in Tracy, MN. He was married to Julia Anna Enke on 14 December 1888 in Brookings Co., SD
  5. Joseph Martin Brantner, born 4 November 1853 in Maryland Sta. and died 13 April 1939 in Lime Springs, IO. He married Anna Marie Nye on 21 August 1876 in Ogle Co., IL.
  6. Martha Ellen Brantner, Born 21 November 1854 and died 1 December 1866 in Ogle Co., IL.
  7. Emma Alice Brantner, born 14 September 1856 and died 6 December 1858 in Ogle Co., IL.
  8. Jacob Austin Brantner, was born 9 August 1858 In Mt Morris, Ogle Co., IL and died 15 June 1941 in Newtown, Jasper Co., IO. He was married to Margaret Ann States in 1887.
  9. Charles Burton Brantner, born 4 February 1867 in Lincoln Twp., Ogle Co., IL. He was married to Della Mae Woltz on 4 August 1889 in Ogle Co. Charlie died in 1947 by a self-inflicted gunshot and is buried in West Grove Cemetery in Ogle Co., IL.

    George & Alma's Wedding Picture

  10. Alma Phillips Brantner, was born 14 January 1867 at the Brantner Homestead in Mt. Morris, Ogle Co., IL. She married George Henry Garman on 22 December 1881 at her parents home by Reverard C. Hendle of Ogle County. George was the son of Henry J. Garman and Luzette E. Daniels. He was born 9 March 1860 in Brookville, Ogle, IL and died 12 December 1920 in Rockford Hospital, Rockford, Winnebago, IL from a fall down a quarry. He is buried in Lutheran Cemetery in Brookville, Ogle Co., IL. George was a butcher in Polo, IL for many years.
Alma married again in the Spring of 1927 to Billy McAlpine in Oakland, CA. Billy was the caretake of Merriott Park in Oakland and they lived on the 2nd floor of the boathouse. Alma died 10 September 1927 in Rockford, IL and is buried in Willwood Burial Park in Rockford.Billy died in the summer of 1927 in Oakland, CA. Alma and George and two sons.
  1. Bryant Wentworth Garman, born 14 July 1883 in Polo, Ogle Co., IL and died 3 February 1960 in Venice, Los Angeles, CA. Bryant married (1) Ellen and they divorced in CA in the early 1920's. He then married Hattie Widebrook in 1927 and they had one son. Bryant and Hattie are both buried in Woodlawn Cemetery in Santa Monica, CA.
  2. Philo Irving Garman, was born 26 February 1893 in Forreston, Ogle Co., IL. He was married to Jenny Henrietta Viktoria Signell on 04 July 1912 in Rockford, IL by Rev. A.R. Mellin. Irv and Jenny had one daughter, Margaret Lillian Garman. Margaret married Harold Gust Gustafson, son of John Edwin and Ida Marie (Johanson) Gustafson on 1 December 1934 in Zion Lutheran Church Parsonage in Rockford, IL. Margaret and Harold had one daughter, Carol Jeanne Gustafson

If you would like to know more about the Brantner Line please contact me at