I got Sassy in 1994, oddly enough on the exact day I found out my only sister and her family were moving, so I knew we were meant to be together!!! My niece had just seen "Homeward Bound" and the cat in that movie was named Sassy. When I asked my niece what to name my new cat, she picked that name and it stuck. Sassy was large when I got her, but as Sassy got older she also got a bit BIGGER. One night, some friends and I were trying to match personalities with our pets and, lo and behold, the winter Olympics in Japan were broadcasting a story about Sumo wrestlers, and we decided that was Sassy's alter-ego!!!
Sassy is my very first pet.
We've been together a long time and I love her a lot.
Sassy has friends she hangs out with, Sir Angus Brute Hammond (called "Gus") and Lord Gryphon Leif Hammond (called "Gryphon" or "Gryphie") two yorkie brothers that live with a friend of mine. She and "Da Boyz" (as they are sometimes known) get together and have martini parties and hang out at the pool while we, the humans, are away.
She also has kitty friends, Mo and Lilly, two cute Chartreaux cats who live with (or should I say own??) the friends who went with me on my adventure to Greece.
Please come back and visit me and Sassy anytime.
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