Music Ministry at First Baptist

The purpose of the music ministry is to involve all ages of persons in glorifying God through the medium of music, whether vocal or instrumental. Through rehersal, worship leadership, and outreach beyond the church we help people use their God-given talents, calling both performers and listeners into a deeper relationship with God.

Sanctuary Choir Rehearsals Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. in the Music Room
This adult group provides weekly worship leadership at the Sunday morning services. A wide variety of musical styles are used, with the core being traditional anthems. Some classical, spirituals, gospel and contemporary are used as well.
Special projects for Christmas 2001 include a churchwide music program Sunday December 9th at 7 p.m. and "Journey to Bethlem", a churchwide dramatic re-enactment of the Christmas story on December 16 and 17.
Primetimers Choir
This adult group consists mostly of retired persons, although we welcome anyone over 55 who enjoys singing. It exists only in preparing special seasonal works, such as a musical for the Hanging of the Green or the Patriotic Program.
During November 2001, the group ,meets at 1 p.m. on Wednesday afternoons in preparation for the December 2nd Hanging of the Green program.
On Stage! Youth Rehearsals Sundays 5:45 - 6:45 p.m. in the Music Room

NC State Baptist Youth Choir March 23-24, 2001
Our Soprano girls
This group is for teens in grades 7-12. We learn both traditional anthems and contemporary music and praise choruses. Our goal is to lead worship serveral times each season (fall, winter, spring) through singing, drams, and signing. We also occasionally learn and present entire musical dramas. We attend the NC Baptist State Youth Choir Festival each winter/spring.

Children's Choirs Rehearsals are after school on Mondays until 4:30
Currently we have a choir for Kindergarten, Grades 1-2, and Grades 3-6. They sing only occasionally for worship and special programs. The older children focus more on learning songs for worship leadership and musical dramas for seasonal worship.

Praise Ringers Handbells Rehearsals Sundays 6:30 - 8 p.m. in the Music Room
This group is an advanced group of ringers, both men and women. They play frequently for worship and also outside the church at other institutions and churches. Director is Vertie Perry.
First Baptist Belles Rehearsals every Tuesday, 7 - 8 p.m. in the Music Room
This group is made up entirely of women who play music of medium to advancing difficulty. They play several times each season. Director is Kelley Garris.
Bells for Christ
For young people in grades 6-8 who have previous music reading or bell ringing experience. Meeting on Sunday mornings at 9 a.m. Patty Goodwin, director.
Instrumental Ensemble

Entire group outside entrance to Green Street Baptist Church

Amanda Ward

Kristin Andrews and Lauren Colbert

Marshall Nichols and Mark Colbert
Baptist State Youth Choir and Instrumental Festival, March 23-24, 2001, at Green St. Baptist in High Point.
Youth instrumental ensemble rehearses at 5 p.m. on Sunday afternoons. They accompany hymns and provide service music for worship. Adult ensembles are formed as interest arises.
Children's Choir Camp
A Five-day choir camp is held annually in June. A musical drama is learned during that time and presented on Friday evening. The choir camp is for school-age children.
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Updated February 18, 2008