Jeffrey Sachs 6419 Melia Street Springfield, VA 22150 (703) 924-3007
Objective |
A challenging position that leverages my technical experience and management education
with the opportunity for advancement based on personal performance.
Education |
MBA, College of William & Mary 2004
B.S. Materials Science and Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute 1989-1993
Employment History |
Senior Consultant, Virginia Statewide Race 5/05-11/05
§ Responsible for coordinating all non-funding raising activities of the candidate and public events.
§ Maintained the web site and other computer systems on the campaign including setting up computer and telephone systems.
Radio Inside Scoop 12/04-present
§ Responsible for all technical aspects of a live nationally syndicated radio program with simultaneous TV feed that has callers from throughout the continental US and internet comments from the US and abroad
§ Coordinate all business operations related to production, marketing and radio syndication
Enterprise Engineering Inc Secret Clearance 1/04-11/04
§ Senior tester on Oracle software project responsible for managing a three person testing team and creating and implementing the test procedures.
§ Analyzed the process and procedures for the Tomahawk Cruise Missile from manufacture to firing or retirement
§ Evaluated and analyzed spending practices to insure that funding was not excessive for each task order for the Navy Procurement system
§ Reviewed and evaluated security policies and procedures for the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Consultant, Booz Allen & Hamilton Inc. Top Secret Clearance 2/99-12/01
§ Led an eight-person team in the development of new functionality for the Army Corp of Engineers Emergency Operation web site, which utilized PL/SQL and an Oracle database.
§ Led a team of 2 to 4 people on a Joint Staff C4ISR system integration project which developed a SQL database driven web site, utilizing NetViz, Cold Fusion, HTML and JavaScript, to show multi-tiered classified information regarding mission and system integration. This product drove $5 million in revenue.
§ Used Cold Fusion web software to create interface with existing databases
§ Created web based automation processes to increase productivity and system reliability.
§ Adapted Generic Alegabraic Modeling System (GAMS) to model American Intelligence platforms.
§ External Quality Assurance tester for multiple projects.
§ Managed process for creating system requirements and system implementation schedules and timelines for database driven web applications.
Team Leader, ACS Government Systems Group (CDSI) 8/98-2./99
§ Led a 2 person team in support of the U.S. Navy’s Source Data System SDS Field Host Processing (FHP) Ada section and the SDS/STASS web based server. Project tasks included the analysis, design, coding, testing, debugging and documentation of maintenance actions and enhancements to the SDS Ada, STASS and other server based Cold Fusion software.
System Administrator, Kenrob & Associates 5/96- 8/98
§ Performed system upgrades of the Air Traffic Management System (ATMS) for the Federal Aviation Administration. This near real time ATMS has 110 sites worldwide with 500 Apollo workstations.
§ Tracked version usage and distribution across multiple sites and hardware configurations.
§ Developed system administration tools for data communication monitoring and database user interface using C language and Motif Dialog interface, within a DSEE development environment.
§ General hardware and direct user support for the Air Traffic Management Center, including design, development and implementation of a replacement voice response system.
§ Technical user support and problem resolution.
Computer Programmer, Unisys Corporation Secret Clearance 1/94-1/96
§ Developed weapons systems for the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Dahlgren VA.
§ Performed program maintenance, original code design, development, implementation and documentation, on real time system in Navy specific C language, Ada, and Assembler.
§ Performed trouble shooting and code redesign for ongoing system upgrades and needs.
§ Performed rigorous system testing, including system interfaces.
Legislative Assistant, Virginia House of Delegates Sessions 1995, 1996, 1998
Computer Skills |
Languages: Cold Fusion, JavaScript, HTML, PL/Sql, SQL, ADA, CMS-2, FORTRAN 77, Pascal,
Basic, UNIX, C and C++, PHP
Packages: Microsoft Office Suite, Word Perfect 5.1, Quattro Pro, Foxpro, dBASE III, DOS,
Windows, Macintosh, Ami Pro, X-Windows, Motif Dialog, Oracle, Allaire Spectra
Hardware: PC maintenance, LAN installation, VAX usage, Hewlett-Packard/Apollo systems.
Other Activities |
Host & Producer of Public Access Television Shows; Focus on Franconia, Election ‘xx, and To Your Health (in conjunction with the Northern Virginia Medical Society)
Elected Board Member, Fairfax Public Access
Past President Franconia Community Coalition
Past President Men’s Club, Beth El Hebrew Congregation
Past President, Springfield Forest Civic Association
Eagle Scout