Jeff's Home Page


The love of my life (next to my wife) is firefighting. I have been a volunteer firefighter since I was 15 years old. If you have ever thought about doing something for your community, think about voluteering as a firefighter. There is a great feeling of acomplishment when you help someone. It is very rewarding amd exciting.

This page is still under construction and I will be adding some personal pictures from the Mukilteo Fire Dept. and Snohomish County Fire District #111 where I am currently volunteering.

This was taken during training in a 1997 Pain Field Disaster Drill plane crash simulation.

This is how we spent the morning of December 27th, 1998. At just before 3:AM my fire radio's went off, toning us for a fire at Twin Firs Apartments. I acted fast as this is the apartment complex that we live in. Luckily it wasn't our building however it was still too close for comfort as there is a suspected arsinist in the area. There were three such fires back to back in a relitively close area. Here are three pictures that my wife took just as the fire department was getting there and as they were putting the fire out.

Click a thumbnail to see a full screen picture

Photo's taken by Sabrina Nelson


This is dedicated to my wife.
With out her love and support I would not be able to be a volunteer firefighter.
The table's set, the meal's prepared, our guests will soon arrive.
My husband once more disappears with a hope of keeping a child alive.
While waiting at home again alone, our plans having gone awry
My first impulse is merely to sit down and cry.
But soon again I realize the importance of my life
When I agreed to take on the duties of being a fireman's wife.
While there are many drawbacks, I'll take them in my stride.
The gusting winds and raging flames may be his final fate,
but with God's help, I can remain my fireman's faithful mate.

Author Unknown

Jeff''s Photo Gallery

Meet my wife
Firemans Prayer
Drill at Pain Field 1997
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