Who the heck is Ronald Noon.
Well, I am not the
British lecturer in Social Science.
I am not the tennis instructor (wow, could you imagine that)
I am not the
Native Canadian singer/drummer.

I am,
Ronald E. Noon,
a reference librarian

a graduate, '74, of Downers Grove Community
High School, South Campus ( as it were called when I sort of hung around in classrooms for four years)

A graduate of Northern Illinois University, '78, majoring in anthropology.

A graduate, '81,of the Rosary College Graduate School of Library and Information Science.
Cricket, the sole remaining feathered member of the family.  She laughs at

a. laugh tracks on the tv
b. murders on the tv
c. car crashes on the tv

i suspect she may be a agent of Satan
Kira, our much missed, deceased Lovebird
Nope, nuthing down here . . . yet.
My links to Newfie sites (as opposed to my librarian notes with cites)
Books everyone should read (yes there are thousands, but these will make you more insightful.

something about what democracy is supposed to be ....

something that will make various charts and graphs used in mass media quite funny
If you visit this site on a regular basis, your FBI and NSA file should grow on an equally regular interval.  WordWithoutBorders
nuthing past here . . . yet
Korea, fizzle bombs, and maybes to scare the living bejezzus outta ya.
1 may 2007: the american toads are busy trilling their alien chorus from the slough.  From our third floor apartment it is sometimes incredibly loud.  What to hear what the toads sound like . . . then click here.
a sign any librarian or store clerk can really appreciate.
Aaron Feurstein , a real mensch