Descendants of
Walter George GLYNN
and Zillah COATES

1 Walter George Glynn 1847 -
   +Zillah Coates 1840 - 1922
.....2 Bertie George Glynn 1880 - 1968
        +Ethel Florence Maud Rix 1884 - 1958
..........3 Zillah Violet Glynn 1906 - 1996
             +Leslie Taylor 1906 - 1964
..........3 Florence Maud Glynn 1908 - 1985
             +John J. Reid
..........3 Arthur William Harold Glynn 1922 - 1980
             +Violet M. Rollings 1922 -
..........3 Horace Bernard Glynn 1926 - 1960
             +Marjorie Rawson 1928 -

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Yvonne Reeds
New South Wales, Australia