Patriotic Spirit Animals


Healing Patriotic Spirit Animals


Hou Koda, {Greetings Friend}!
Welcome to my "Little Piece" of the net!!!!
I am from Salmon River Country, {Lewis and Clark's "River-Of-No-Return"}, up in the Sawtooth Mountains.
I believe that the atmospere we are around is who we are....
That we need a "Good Mental Attitude" to survive!
My "Healing Spirit Animals" help my Family and I to have just that.
To center Ourselves and keep "Good Spirits".
I make all my animals, and have gone to the Red, White and Blue, not only to be patriotic, but because those colors have such meaning....
I also use Kokopelli in my stuff, becuz he is the "Hope" of so many, bringing us Good Cheer, Prosperity and Fertilizing our Great Mother Earth....
Please enjoy browsing thru my Spirit Animals, and remember if you choose to take one of these home, that each one is different, as nothing is exact, and will be made just for you....
Migwetch-Many Thanks for looking at My Site........
The Outback Lady

Hang them up for "HEALING POWERS" or hang them to bring you Good Spirits wherever you roam....



The "Mi la haska", believe the White Buffalo is a "Spiritual Leader" and will Guide us down the "Path of Life".
Brother Buffalo is a Reminder of "World Peace" and "Spiritual Understanding"...............

"Kokopelli", the Hump-Backed Flute Player, that is riding on Buffalo, possessed a playful, carefree nature that seemed to be able to bring the Good out in everyone.
This masculine Casanova is famous for his Prankster Ways and one is often warned to beware for he is likely to trick you.
It is all in Good Fun, though, for especially in Today's World, his humor is Refreshing and Delightful.
The ornament is an "Original Design", and this "Guy" is dedicated to my Artist Koda, {Friend}, "KokoJoe", who also possesses a Great Witty Personality and is one of the best artists I know, and puts that into his pieces....


This 4" by 2 1/2" enameled wooden ornament depicts the medicine of the Buffalo.
Kokopelli, the "Joy Bringer" is added on to the Buffalo on both sides, bringing the "2 Medicines" together as one...

The Tribal Legends say that the "White Buffalo" represents the "Biggest Medicine" of ALL...

This "Buff" was made to bring YOU all this....




Bear Medicine is very "Strong", he gives the gifts of Harmony, Balance, Strength, meitation, Introspection, Healing, Dreams, Visions, Wisdom, and Listening....

He teaches us that Healing begins with "Ourselves"....

The Great Bear hibernates, and that in itself gives his body "Time" to heal....

So maybe we should take lessons from him and "Meditate", so our Bodies can take care of themselves....

This "Bear" was made to bring YOU all this....




This 4" by 3", "Big Moose Medicine", Is Metal And Enameled With Red, White And Blue.

Medicine of the Moose brings us Unstoppable Longevity, it also brings us Unpredictability and Spontaneity.

The Moose represents Value and Integrity....

Something that we all need in everyday life, to help us to grow....




This 4" X 2 1/2" HORSE Is wood, {as i cannot acquire metal at this time....}, And Enameled With Red, White And Blue.

Horse Medicine teaches us that anything worth doing is worth doing with great confidence and until it is done completion.

Have you started a project, only to quit before it is done?

Horse teaches you to endure and how to have victory.

Horses teach us stamina, strength of will, and magical power, giving us creativity, spiritual growth, or to progress ahead.

He teaches us to be free and to allow others to be free....




This 3 1/2" X 3 1/4" Deer Is Also Metal And Enameled With Red, White And Blue.

Deer helps us to see more Clearly, and bring Beauty to the world.

Deer is very versatile, and can be a tonic to All of us, bringing a high energy to those of us that can except them.

They encourage us to open up to life, and let out our frustrations....




"Kokopelli" And The "Coyote", both "Tricksters", Both with Carefree Spirits With Lessons To Learn About Life....

This is a 3 1/2" X 3 1/2" metal Ornament, Enameled With Embossing Powder.

To the "Native American" the coyote is the Trickster, the one who can push folks to learn even when they don't want to.

By being Tricked, then Learning lessons, Earth's Children learn to trust in life and the lessons it brings.

Coyote brings the power of Maturing....




Salmon Medicine is very "Strong", he brings us Gifts of Trust and Strength.

He teaches us Determination and Persistence....

This "Salmon" was made to bring YOU all this....

Salmon is made of metal and enameled.


Standing People


This 4" by 3 1/4" "Tree" Ornament is done on both sides and is red, white and blue colored blended together front and back....

It is shown without its hanger here, but defintely comes with jump ring and rope hanger.

Some Native Americans believe that the cedar trees, or "Standing People" are their ancestors....

Traditionally, the Tsalagi {Cherokee}, say that the wood of the cedar tree has Powerful Protective Spirits for them.

They carry a small piece of cedar wood in their medicine bags or place it above the entrances to the house to Protect against Evil Spirits.

Seek the peace of the Standing People (the trees), know the sacredness of all life-forms, and find harmony with each living thing....



They were made in the colors red, white and blue, not only for "America United", but the colors also have seperate meanings:

Red is the color associated with Mother Earth, which gives us the powers of being Grounded and In Touch with OURSELVES.

White is the sum of all colors, it contains within itself All of the other colors and is the Balance.
The color of Perfection, of Enlightment and of Evolution.
Many People use it to Cover and Shield themselves from any Unpure or Negative Vibrations.

Blue is a color associated with Many Things, but in this case, it signifies Tranquility and Psychological Contentment which gives us the powers of Peace and Happiness......


Made In The USA


Prices Are:






Standing People----$10.00


The designs may very a bit as "Each One" is hand enameled and made just for YOU, the customer!!!!

Each Piece has a rope loop to hang by....

Shipping is $2.00 regular mail or $3.50 priority....

And I will combine shipping!!!!

Please if you need assistance E-MAIL ME,

Paypal adds shipping to each item and that is not the case.

I can ship up to 5 items for $2.00 {Regular Mail}

And $3.50 {Priority Mail}

For each additional piece after {5} add $.25....


E-Mail Me

Idaho's Outback Treasures

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