Wings & Stings
Agnes McClelland Daulton

Please read! Dear viewer, We've tried very hard to include only wholesome internet sites for links in this unit study; however, with the ever-changing face of the web, it is possible for undesirable links to become part of this study by capturing web addresses previously used for innocent reasons. If you find a bad link, please contact me immediately and to protect your children, please click through the links before setting your child in front of the computer.

The Preface

Chapter I: Hollyhock Hall
Pre-reading Vocabulary List

Chapter II: Air Castles and Dugouts
Pre-reading Vocabulary List

Chapter III: Jolly Little Tars
Pre-Reading Vocabulary List

Chapter IV: Gadabouts
Pre-Reading Vocabulary List

Chapter V: The Courage of Kettin
Pre-Reading Vocabulary List

Chapter VI: A Great Family
Pre-Reading Vocabulary List

Chapter VII: Little Miss Argiope
Pre-Reading Vocabulary

Chapter VIII: The Nest-builders' Convention
Pre-Reading Vocabulary

Chapter IX: The Spider's Garden Party
Pre-Reading Vocabulary

Chapter X: The Roses' Reunion
Pre-Reading Vocabulary

Chapter XI: Her Majesty the Queen
Pre-Reading Vocabulary

Chapter XII: Where Lilies Bloom
Pre-Reading Vocabulary

This site is a member of WebRing. To browse visit here.

All of the puzzles created for this unit study were done at

Visit The Phunny Farm


All backgrounds used in this set of pages from Absolutely Everything Victorian.