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Our Home School Journey

We established Jubilee Academy in 1993.  In the Old Testament, the Lord commanded the Israelites to set aside 1 year, every 50 years as the year of Jubilee.  Slaves were set free, property returned to its rightful owners. We have reclaimed what is ours, and homeschooling has set our daughters free to learn as the Lord would have them, according to the talents He has given them.

"Fisherman Mary" at Old Mystic Seaport, CT. (1993)

"Sailor Lucy" at Old Mystic Seaport, CT. (1993)

Lucy & Mary with Daddy at Laura's memorial, Town Square, Mansfield, MO. (1994)

Lucy & Mary at Laura Ingalls Wilder's grave, Mansfield, MO. (1994)