Introducing... Charlotte Mason If you are considering using the methods of Charlotte Mason in your home school, subscribe to Deborah Taylor-Hough's free, monthly Charlotte Mason newsletter - it will be one of the best things you ever did! Here are the instructions: To subscribe to this free newsletter, send a blank e-mail message to: Charlotte Mason Monthly. A quote from Charlotte Mason... For more on-line support, join the Charlotte Mason Study Loop and participate in lively discussion. "Believing that the individuality of parents is a great possession for their children, and knowing that when an idea possesses the mind, ways of applying it suggest themselves, I have tried not to weight these pages with many directions, practical suggestions, and other such crutches, likely to interfere with the free relations of parent and child. Our greatness as a nation depends upon how far parents take liberal and enlightened views of their high office and of the means to discharge it which are placed in their hands. "
--Charlotte Mason, "School Education"
from Volume 3 of the Original Homeschooling Series (six volume set) Visit Karen Andreola's site. She's the author of A Charlotte Mason Companion and editor of Parent's Review. A Charlotte Mason Education will Benefit You and Your Children from Catherine Levison, author of A Charlotte Mason Education. Includes a brief biography, an overview of the method, links, and a "twaddle"-free list of good books. Read the experiences of a home school Mom with 5 children. Learn how they approach subjects such as language arts, nature study, music, art, Bible, and much more. Visit her here at Home-Made Living Are you Catholic? Educated by Our Intimacies: Family-centered Learning in the Catholic Home offers a Catholic Charlotte Mason Method mailing list. If you live in the Seattle, Washington area, there is a Support Group for Moms who use the methods of Charlotte Mason. The Charlotte Mason Study Guide is available from Penny Gardner. This study guide contains topics on the child, rights of children, child-rearing and discipline, habits and character, Charlotte Mason's reforms and more. Resources Appropriate to the Charlotte Mason Method Heart of Wisdom Unit Studies. Nineteenth Century Textbooks Wonderful resource for finding "living" textbooks such as Edward Eggleston's A First Book in American History or McGuffey's Original Readers.