My Heart Will Go On

Right Click Options

We have side and top borders, links to the left borders, tiled, cut outs, children's, and more.

I have many more to add yet. As I am learning more about images I will soon be able to add more that are appealing to every one.

Simply Backgrounds

Please do not use the backgrounds on the main pages.

These images are best viewed with 800 x 600 color.

These main pages use the fonts PT Impressive Bold, Arial and Comic Sans.

Stuck in Frames? Click the logo above.

We are so glad you decided to stop by.

Here you will find more simple and comfortable backgrounds. Some plain, come cute, some with a fancy touch.

My 9 year old son and I have been having fun making web page backgrounds. We would like to share with you some of the neat things we came up with.

During the move we have lost all of our links to our background users. If you are using one of our backgrounds just drop us an email and we will put you on a background users page. Also we lost our help page so it will take awhile to rebuild it.

      Some backgrounds have complete sets of accessories.
      'Full sets' means (has most all accessories).
      If not marked with (full sets) or anything, it means it just has a bar and a button.

Most of the backgrounds atleast have a bar and button, but I am still in the process of working on having 'complete sets' for all backgrounds. So please be patient with me. * Please do not use the backgrounds on the main pages of the web site. We need to keep something special for just this web site. Thanks!

If you like the background effects on our main pages, visit the 'cut out' section. It will have border and tiled backgrounds. We have a few 'complete sets' completed.

* NOTICE: Since we had our computer crash and lost everything new that we worked so hard on our webpage is on hold at this time. We lost our fonts, instructions on creating our cut-outs, the whole works. We had many more background images that we 'hope' we will be able to add soon, but they all have to be re-created and setup. Lots of work ahead but keep checking back now and then. *


Cut Outs



link borders


If you need some help picking out text colors, go to the color code page.

Would you like to link to us?


Simply Backgrounds © 1999/2000/2001

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| Cut Outs | Side Border | Top Border | Children's | Tiled | Links to Left Borders | Link to Us |

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Please visit us again soon.