NutzMomOf6's Home
There are no words to even begin to express my feelings over the tragic events that our nation is currently facing. My deepest sorrow and symphathy goes to the victims and their families. I truly believe that this horrific day will forever change our lives. Never, for one moment, did I ever think that I would ever have to encounter something so frightening. Please keep our country in your thoughts and prayers.
1/10/04 - I apologize for my delay in updating this site. So much has been going on in my life that have made it difficult to find the time to do the things that I enjoy doing. Please keep coming back, I will be updating the entire site with new pictures in the very near future.

Thank you for being Visitor

Since June 26, 1999

Lovingly Created 6/26/99
Updated 9/16/01

Thank you Heartland for these awards! I am so very honored!

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A very special thanks to Sheryl's Graphics for the beautiful graphics that you have found on this page. Please take a moment to visit her wonderful site.