I've made a lot of pages for me, and for others, but have neglected making one for my dear husband. So, please pardon me if I ramble. I have so much I want to say to, and about, this man, that I'm not sure how to get it all down in print.
We met on a balmy spring day when I was but 13, and even though he was bringing my 'sweetheart of the month' to visit me, I have to admit to being more attracted to the arrogant driver than with the passenger. Tommy was a daring 'bad boy' of 17, full of spit and vinegar. He also had a girlfriend already, and wouldn't you know she was someone I had no like for, and not just because she was his girlfriend. Tommy and I immediately got into an argument, because I presumed to sit on his car (everyone else was already sitting there, how was I to know *I* wasn't allowed??) Still the attraction was there.
I remember watching for his car in the parking lot of the high school, where I changed buses, every morning, hoping to just catch a glimpse of him. I was still in junior high, which was/is a separate school from the high school. It's funny now, looking back, the thrill I got just from seeing him standing near his car in those days.
About 6 months after our first meeting, he showed up at Granny's house, where I actually lived. I found out later that it had taken him that long to talk another of my former boyfriends into showing him where I lived. Granny and I lived in a two story apartment in a not so great neighborhood, but we were together, so that was all that mattered to me. What we didn't have in money, we made up for in love. The next Monday after Ken brought him to the house, Tommy showed up at the door. He had called in sick just to come and visit me. Was I ever impressed! LOL We sat on the steps and talked and talked--and stole a few kisses too, when my cousin Kelly wasn't staring at us. She kept running to Granny telling on us "They're doing the kissy-face again, Granny!!!" He gave me his class ring that day, and we were an item!
I was still too young to date, but Granny allowed us to go to the movies once a week, and we could go to the Game Room about a mile away, and to his parents' home across town. That summer, we saw ummm one movie--HoneySuckle Rose starrting Willie Nelson, Dianne Cannon, and Amy Irving. I won't say where we were on all those other nights, but I know that Tommy remembers well the Yellow Markers. *big wide grin*
I eventually broke up with him, because I couldn't handle his drinking and wild behavior, but we always kept in touch. Granny loved him dearly. Even after I moved in with my mom and her new husband, Tommy still went to Granny's to keep her company and work crossword puzzles. I don't know if he will ever truly know just how much his visits meant to her. We dated on and off for six years before I finally gave in and married him. Sometimes I wonder if he knew what he was getting himself into, LOL
This past April Fool's Day, Tommy and I celebrated our 14th anniversary. It hasn't been all fun and games, and I can't say that it's all been good, but we know that no matter what happens, we always have each other. On June 18th of this year, we had our marriage blessed by the Church and renewed our vows. It gives me warm fuzzies knowing that even after all this time, he would marry me all over again.
Now let me tell you about this man I married. Tommy went to work at a mill in his hometown when he was 16, going to school till noon, then working second shift. He worked all through high school this way, graduating in January of 1981 instead of in May with the rest of his class. He left right after for Basic Training in Beaufort, South Carolina, then onto Twenty-nine Palms, California for school.
When he was discharged from the Marine Corps in 1985, he went to work doing construction work in Charleston, SC. That's where he lived when we finally got back together. (I'll save that for another page) When we moved back to Alabama, he found a job at a plastics factory, until he was able to get a better paying job with Avondale Mills, where he has been for the past 13 years. (filling out work history is a snap! LOL) Since they work 12 hour shifts, we have him home with us a good bit. They work 3 days, are off 4, work 4 days, then are off 3. As he gets older, the shifts get harder to make, but he doesn't want to give up his family time.
He attends church with us, and supports our homeschooling. He cries over sad movies, and we know to always have the kleenex ready if the Special Olympics are on t.v. He doesn't drink anymore, and I don't have to wonder where he is or what he's doing, because he'd rather spend time with the family than with his friends. He even supports my home business and was behind our adding candles to our product line. So if you happen to have a Southern Blossoms Candle burning, say a prayer for him. More than likely, he made it. He does have hobbies of his own too. He loves raising tarantulas and snakes. Currently, we have 31 various tarantulas, 2 Columbian Boas, 2 Corn Snakes, and an Amazon Tree Boa. Hopefully one day we will have babies. (critter babies LOL)
Our human babies are very important to him as well. David, now 14, is called Buddy, because when he was little, he was "Daddy's little buddy". They went everywhere together. I often think that Buddy doesn't realize how much his Daddy really does care for him. They share a love of motorcycles, and instead of getting the new car that we really do need this year, David got a motorcycle. Kacie, 12, our only daughter, is the image of her Daddy. And you can believe Daddy has his shotgun all ready too LOL She's a beauty, and getting prettier every day. She and Tommy share a love of animals. Gabe, 8, is the baby and everyone knows it. There isn't a lot that he and his Daddy don't share. Gabe is at the stage of being "Daddy's Shadow."
And he still calls me his Baby.
And so, I hope you enjoy this little peek into the life of a very special man. He deserves much more than we will ever be able to give him, but I hope that we are able to honor and respect him more in the future.
And Tommy, I know I don't tell you often, but you really do mean the world to me. I look forward to the next 60 years with you!
Thanks Myra!!