Welcome to My Place!


          Howdy! Come on in! Welcome to my little home on the web. Just mouse over anything that looks like it might be a link, it probably is. I don't like a lot of underlining! Please sign in the guest book and let me know you've been here :) I just love company!

          Tribute Pages


          I lived with my Granny from the time I was 3 months old until I was a teen, then she stayed with us on and off until her death. She was and is very dear to me. This page is a tribute to her.

          My Heart

          My husband is the love of my life. I don't know where or what I would be without him.

          Kacie's Page

          My baby girl. She is the apple of her daddy's eye, and we are both very proud of the young lady she is becoming.

          Family Photos

          Some, you guessed it, family photos. Yes, I'm a little biased, but I think they're just beautiful!

          Poetry and other Writing

          Some day I am going to publish that novel...maybe



          Kojing and the Polar Bear

          Wow, Deni! How about an update???

          Sure, why not? It's 17 January, 2008. Gabe is learning to drive now. He will be 16 in a little over a month. His hair is almost as long as mine an he has an eyebrow piercing of which he is very proud. Kacie is 20 and working at the library full time while going to college part time. She will one day attain her Masters Degree in Library Sciences and hopes to continue her career right where she is currently working. She was always beautiful, but in the past year she has grown into a truly lovely and wondrous young lady. David will soon be 22 and has already completed his 4 years with the Marine Corps. He surprised us all by re-enlisting last spring, so is almost a year into his second enlistment. He's on independant duty in New Jersey. I think I'm a little jealous that he's experiencing a 'real' winter up there. TC and I will celebrate our 22nd Anniversary this coming April. Where did the time get to? It's like keeping up with this web page, it gets away so fast.We have been homeschooling our three children for three years now. Our fourth year has already begun, and as usual, some days are diamonds, some are coal.
          David graduated our Home School in June 2003 and became a United States Marine. Kacie is graduating this year (2006) and will become a full partner in Southern Blossoms SoapWorks. Gabe is currently finishing 8th grade, and doing quite well. The resources should still be helpful.

          Home School Resources

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