Welcome to my Guestbook!

Arno Brosi - 11/04/00 10:06:07
My Email:brosi@wanadoo.nl
How you find me?: infospace
Where are you from?: Netherlands

Great page,with lots of useful info,maybe one day we can tie all the scattered brosi families together.

Arno Brosi - 11/04/00 10:05:21
My Email:brosi@wanadoo.nl
How you find me?: infospace
Where are you from?: Netherlands

Great page,with lots of useful info,maybe one day we can al the scattered brosi families together.

Peter - 10/18/00 02:10:01
My Email:santagema1@hotmail.com
How you find me?: family member
Where are you from?: Phillipsburg new Jersey

Hey Ed, Hope all is well! I will be sending you copies of family pics. as soon as i have more time, my work has keep me very busy. Hope to hear from you soon! Sincerely, Peter Burke

Jeanne Brosi - 10/17/00 01:57:02
Where are you from?: Missouri


Caryl Sue Abendroth - 09/14/00 02:52:24
My Email:cabendroth@yahoo.com
How you find me?: Ancestry,com
Where are you from?: Michigan


GINGERLEE - 08/29/00 00:48:09
My Email:gingerleedread@htn.net
How you find me?: htn
Where are you from?: SEBRING,FL. BY WAY OF JAMAICA,W.I.


Norma Melone - 05/16/00 21:43:39
My Email:enmelone@prodigy.net
How you find me?: you gave me the site
Where are you from?: Clifton, N>J>


Frank Payne - 05/13/00 02:15:07
My Email:fastfrank@att.net
How you find me?: U.S.S. Saratoga Directory
Where are you from?: New York

Navy and Woodside(neighborhood)friend.

Bob Bond - 03/04/00 00:12:23
My URL:http://bondfamily.homestead.com/BondAustinFamilies.html
My Email:rbond007@strato.net

Looking good Ed. Bob

- 01/07/00 02:55:17


Fred & Mary Lutzi - 12/24/99 01:26:27
My Email:fml1@Strato.net
How you find me?: CLC Web page


Emil Melone - 11/04/99 22:05:27
My Email:enmelone@prodigy.net
How you find me?: You sent it
Where are you from?: Deerfield Bch Fl 33441

I am going to look at your pictures now.So far it looks very nice.

Emil & Norma - 10/30/99 22:08:01
My Email:enmelone@prodigy.net
How you find me?: you told me
Where are you from?: Deerfield Bea ch


harry & ruth radloff - 10/21/99 23:16:55
My Email:ruthrad@starrtech.net
How you find me?: you know
Where are you from?: texas


dee angermeier - 09/22/99 23:07:42
My Email:rudee@strato.net
How you find me?: good
Where are you from?: crystal lake ha ha

wish i could make a page too. Yours is great

Eileen - 09/22/99 16:06:04
My Email:MGLILN1
How you find me?: IM A BROSI


Ben Brosi - 08/10/99 11:19:13
My Email:Ben.Brosi@rivm.nl
How you find me?: I was looking for Brosi so big surprise !
Where are you from?: From the land behind the dykes Holland Europe

First I want to make my compliments for these nice pages and photos ,nice kids and grandchildren say hello to them from me, may be from a far relative.

Joette Kimbal - 08/09/99 22:58:44
My Email:rjkimbal@mcia.com
How you find me?: You told me!
Where are you from?: Texas

One of the coolest web sites I have ever seen. Looks 3-D. Thanks for trying to help with McEvoy.

Sabine Schleichert - 07/31/99 12:15:31
My URL:http://www.ggrs.com
My Email:sabine@ggrs.com
How you find me?: You told me where to look ...
Where are you from?: Munich, Germany

Hi Ed, that's a nice website of yours. I like it. Though it's too much honour for me to be listed among those links! Sabine

Mert Daniels - 07/22/99 02:50:14
My Email:rosehill@ct.net
How you find me?: You told me to look here.
Where are you from?: Around the corner from your house.

I think it is amazing how easy it is to retrain an old Navy man. Kidding aside, it's a truly a great web page. CONGRATULATIONS !

G.Lukish - 07/18/99 15:10:31
My Email:pod@strato.net
How you find me?: Word of Mouth
Where are you from?: Fla.

Congratulations! A great memorandum for a growing family. Good luck with it in the future.

- 07/17/99 06:49:26


Dick&Annet deGeusBrosi - 07/15/99 19:52:22
My Email:tsa.de.geus@hccnet.nl
How you find me?: in your email to us
Where are you from?: Holland in Europe

This is an other way to send email. Now we know how you loke like. Print your picture en we will show it in Switserland. Greating Dick & Annet

Bob Coto - 07/14/99 20:20:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/4232/
My Email:rlcoto@strato.net
How you find me?: I helped you with these pages.
Where are you from?: Florida

Ed it has been fun helping you with your pages. I hope you have had as much fun as I have. Thanks for asking me to help you and keep up the great work on your pages. They look great.

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