Complete Vendor PackageYou are invited to participate in the 12th Annual Pine Creek High School Band Bazaar, presented by Pine Creek Band Students and some parent volunteers. Pine Creek High School is one of the newest Colorado Springs, District 20 High School, opened in August of 1998. It's a great school with some of the best kids around. This bazaar is an annual fund raiser of the Pine Creek Band program. The participation of crafters and shoppers helps provide the Pine Creek Band students with a first class musical experience and education. Since the beginning of our Bazaar in 1998, we have increased both vendors and shoppers each year. The effort we make to keep our Bazaar mostly hand crafted items keeps both vendors and shoppers coming back year after year. It also differentiates us from the other High School shows. WHAT'S SO SPECIAL ABOUT OUR BAZAAR?
See all our POINTS OF CONTACTS Here Bazaar Facts We've tried to answer all of the questions that might come up. Please read and feel free to contact us if you have any other questions: BOOTH LAYOUT AND AVAILABILITY FOR THIS WEEK
SILENT AUCTION We will be asking all vendors to donate an item to our silent auction. There are a couple of benefits to you if you choose to do this. #1 - We will give you a receipt and you can claim it as a charitable donation on your income tax. #2 - Many vendors use this as a 'test market' to see how well a new product might go over, and what price they might be able to charge for the item. FOOD AND BEVERAGES Breakfast: Juice will be available for purchase. We will bring your complimentary breakfast donut and coffee to your booth. Lunch: 'Grandma's Kitchen' will be serving beginning at 11:00 A.M. We are also offering vendors the opportunity to order lunch ahead of time. You will be able to turn in your lunch order (see your packet) when you get your morning donut and coffee. The lunches you order will be delivered to your booth between 11 and Noon. Beverages and Snacks: Sodas and snack foods will be available for sale throughout. SETUP
Setup: 6:00 - 8:00p.m. Friday - the evening before the Bazaar and Check-In: We will have people checking vendors in. You will be given your vendor package, which will contain a sales tax package (if you have indicated that you want us to file taxes for you), a comment form, and your booth number. This is where the band members will be stationed to help you carry your things in. It should go very quickly. Please plan to arrive in plenty of time to get your booth set-up, but there will be no set-up before 6:00p.m.Friday or 6:00a.m. Saturday. Chairs: Chairs won't be a problem. We will try to set up your chairs in your booth so they are ready for you at set-up. If not, we have plenty. Grab a volunteer and they'll point you to the chairs, or help you carry them if necessary. (Please don't take chairs from other booths.) Tables: You will be given a table ticket in your packet for the rectangular tables you order. Our student elves will help you get your table. As these are a prepay order item there won't be any extras. So make sure your order what you need or plan on brining your own. Electricity: You must provide your own extension cords. Heavy duty cords only, not the household type. Tear Down: You must leave your booths set up until 4:00 P.M. We will have 2 hours until 6:00 pm to clear the gym. All vendors must have all of their belongings cleared out by this time. Check Out: If we are filing your sales tax for you, you must turn in the sales tax form from your check-in package, along with the sale tax due before you leave. We will have several helpers to process the sales tax, so it should go very quickly. You may also turn in your comment sheet at this time if you haven't done so already. Here's the MapQuest link to the school: To Print Vendor Registration, click the PRINT VENDOR INFO button at the top left of this page, complete the form and mail with a check as directed on the contract
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