I have a terrible fear of heights...
as we got higher and higher in the sky, my fists got tighter and tighter...
the beauty of the clouds and the blueness of the sky was breathtaking and
probably the only
thing keeping me breathing.
breakfast on the plane was nice .. or would have been if I could let go
of my seat to eat it ...(actually I did muster up the courage to eat).
We filled out these little yellow forms that we were told to hang on to
cause they were visitor passes to the DR. I spelled my name wrong
I was so nervous letting go of my seat to write. I did calm down
a bit as we approached the islands and since we hadn't had anything to
drink for a few hours were continuously sucking on Mintos candy.
Boy does your mouth get dry!!! Debbie handed me little wad of something
and said EAT IT! ...so I did! The familiar taste of years gone by
and Mintos and a dry mouth really don't go well together. About 20
minutes later ..everything seemed to look sooooo much more vibrant!!! I
was truly enjoying it until the plane turned left and I was on the
left hand side window seat... I hung on to the window tight as I could
for fear of falling out as Debbie sat next to me almost peeing her pants
laughing. We circled the islands twice before landing. Reality
set in as we realized we were two middle aged women stoned out of our gourds
walking into a Republican country which we knew nothing about. A
tropical band was playing sweet music as we entered customs but the
fear overcame me as I saw this Gigantic guard in a uniform checking everyone
as we lined up. I
was sweating profusely the closer
we got ...of course it could have been the black slacks and wool jacket
I had on. By the time I got close enough to see that everyone was
just handing him their visitor slips, I had started to relax again until
Debbie handed him hers .. he let out a bellow .. you're suppose to keep
half and started to laugh. He grabbed mine, threw it over his shoulder
and said in a booming voice"GET OUT OF HERE!" All the staff around him
started laughing as Debbie and I clenched our purses close and kind cowered
away. We picked up our luggage .. and walked toward a shuttle bus. A young
man immediately picked up my luggage and started to walk away. With
superhuman strength I grabbed it back and screamed .. NO..thats MINE!!
A security guard
came over and said its ok he's
taking it to your bus.. I was sooo embarrassed.. but then the guard said
"tip him $5.00. thats custom ...so I did. At the bus, the driver
told us to board, but being the sly protective types we weren't going anywhere
till our luggage was safely packed on the cart that the bus pulls behind
it. Another young man picked up our luggage an loaded in the wooden cart..once
again the security guard held up the $5.00 tip sign... so I did.
The bus drive to our resort was nothing short of an Indy Race down a goat
path... they only slow down for speed bumps and wild donkeys. Poultry
running along the road must be suicidal. The thrill of the ride (remember
the condition we both were in) was seeing a man walking a bull down the
side of the road with a rope
around the bulls horns. That
one did me in... I roared with laughter! We finally made it to our
resort and were totally flabbergasted at the beauty of the ocean, and the
tropical setting to which us snow birds were going to be part of.
Once again .. the bags were unloaded and we checked in and were about to
embark on our treck to our villa, which incidentally, was located
across the street from the resort and all uphill... a young man came out
of nowhere and picked up our luggage. I turned to a familiar security
guard who once again held up the $5.00 fingers...and so I did. BUT
we were finally HERE!!!!! Our only warning was don't drink the water from
the taps! Drinking water was supplied in a plastic pitcher daily
in your room!
First order of business ..get
some decent sun and beach clothing on ..get a drink! We opened the door
to our villa and felt instant relief as the outdated air conditioner rattled
away and the bathroom tap was leaking profusely but we didn't care!!!
We got ourselves pool ready and headed out to relax! It was glorious!!!!!
A few drinks (Luperon Special) by the pool..a walk on the beach... a few
drinks by another pool ...then another pool (there were 5 to chose from
each with a free bar), had dinner which was a strange concoction of different
fried foods in a buffet. We went back to our room for a nap now that
exhaustion was setting in.I noticed the drip was no longer dripping,
turned on the tap and there
was NO water! It had been shut off due to problems and would be fixed soon!
As I lay down on my bed I saw the strangest look on Debbie's face..her
jaw dropped as she whispered "shhh don't move Marie!" Kinda stunned I whispered
"WHY"? She pointed - LOOK ...climbing up my bed not two inches away from
my right hip was a Salamander! ..I FROZE stifling my screams Debbie picked
up a drink glass and captured the beast and put him outside. (We found
it stone cold drunk the next morning still in the glass) We were
entertained that night by a dance troupe doing a tribute to the Blues Brothers
and boy were they excellent!
Sunday morning was gorgeous
as the sun sparkled off the teal green ocean. Our choice of activity
for the day was to lay on the beach and sleep. It was wonderful...
and no we didn't go topless although many around us were! I have
never seen so many middle aged topless women and middle aged speedoed men
in my life!!!... and the only way we knew most of them were speedos was
because SPEEDO was in big letters across the back ( you couldn't see the
front for the overhang on most of the men)! As I laid in slumber
on my chair soaking up the sun I was startled by a booming sound of a jewelry
vendor yelling LOOKIE LOOKIE CHEAPIE CHEAPIE ! .. Special Price ..Just
for you Canada!!! LOOKIE LOOKIE! ..I kinda grumbled something about against
my beliefs to shop for jewelry on Sunday and he went away..(I was still
thinking of the $5.00 thing). What a day!!!! Doing absolutely nothing
but laying in the sun and sleeping ...and drinking exotic Luperon Specials...until
the night fell and I went to move. Did I mention I am very white
to begin with? We found a BIGGG Aloe Vera plant growing outside our door
and I think I used most of it that night!
My next thing on my agenda was
to phone my most wonderful friend in Puerto Rico. I loved talking
to Nuevayol and Nishi! You guys are the BEST!...HUGSSSSS
The next few days were very
much the same as Sunday ..eat sleep drink sleep .. tell the vendors it's
against my beliefs to shop on Monday, Tuesday, Wed. ect ... At one point
we went up to the bar and I kinda hummed and hawed about having another
luperon special.. The bartender mixed a pitcher of something red-pink and
poured me one .. said "Chug" ..so i did...wowohwowohwow!
.. He poured me another ..said
"Chug" ..so I did .... He poured himself one and me one and said on 3 ...
and we did! He then poured Debbie one, himself one, and me one ..and
said CHUG! .. Debbie refused on learning it was tequila.. Did I mention
I only had tequila one shot, once in my life before?... anyways ... the
bartender took her drink poured it in mine .. and said "Chug" so I did
... Did you know my sunburn didn't hurt after that? It's a miracle
The dripping tap was finally
getting on my nerves since I had the bed next to the bathroom so I called
the front desk and tried to explain the problem to them. The maintenance
man showed up promptly with his plunger in tow... we fell over laughing
and Debbie proceeded to tell him how to fix the tap ... once he was gone
and silence reigned ..we went to the buffet room cause we were starved
.. but sighhh..it wasn't opened yet. We strolled over to the shops including
the mail place to mail off my postcards home. The sign said it takes about
4 weeks to get a letter abroad ..so we went to the little grocery store
for some snacks cause we were starved ... $25.00 dollars later we were
happy as clams with our bag of nachos, cheese dip, tube of Pringles and
bottle of Coke! Later that day as I took my stroll over to my favorite
Aloe Vera plant, I noticed something stirring in the bushes ...there was
this big beautiful black rabbit ..and not far behind was a lovely white
one with black spots .. they were sooo cute! OHH by the way I didn't
realize by this time I was starting to stink from all the raw aloe Vera
juice on me, but Debbie was too polite to say anything and just asked me
to go sit on our villa porch and watch the sun. While in a moment of deep
pondering our friendly bunny rabbits came by for a visit ..we started feeding
them our $25.00 snacks hoping they would enjoy BBQ flavour Pringles as
much as we did .. they seemed to like them. This one young
employee came walking by and I nonchalantly asked him if these rabbits
were wild.. I fell over with laughter as he replied "No MAM .. VERYVERY
GENTLE... THEY DON'T BITE!" That one called for another drink
for sure! It was time
to get ready to go to dinner ... so trusting that the plumber had fixed
the tap and I could turn it on..I did! .. Well... The spitting and sputtering
started ..then the brown gunk flowed... and slowly turned a mucky yellow
rust ..and finally cleared to just a tinge of yellow .. I shut the tap
off ...but the water still flowed.. not just from the tap now but also
from under the sink ...LMAOOOO ..I realized then as to why there was a
drain in the middle of the bathroom floor.
Regardless of my foul aloe Vera
odour,we went for dinner, went to the nightly shows and returned to see
our friends the viscous rabbits waiting for us and more chips! I scurried
over to the sliding patio doors and as I opened them ... they fell off
the sliders and broke. We once again called the front desk and spent
half an hour trying to explain that we had no doors anymore. Once again
our maintenance man came .. plunger in tow. This time he brought
a friend who was carrying the bucket that went with the plunger. We got
brave and asked them to fix our security outdoor light which never worked
from day one...the bulb was burned out. They hummed and thought about what
to do until one had the bright idea to get a ladder and change it. An hour
or so later, our doors were back on their tracks and working and we had
light outside! We weren't going to press our luck with
these two jokers so we didn't
mention the fountain of youth in our bathroom.
We got up early on the last
day we were to be there, Wed., to reserve a table at a fancy restaurant
for dinner. I figured I had my slut dress and wanted to wear it at
least once! We proceeded to the beach for our daily ritual of sleep eat
and drink ..and even surprize our habitual LOOKIELOOKIE CANADA ..SPECIAL
PRICE JUST FOR YOU salesmen and bought some trinkets. We swam and
frolicked in the ocean ...no wonder anchovies are salty! We laughed
as this great big huge man in a speedo tried to learn how to wind surf
and fell on this skinny little instructor 3 times .. as a matter of fact
by the third time ..everyone was laughing and the instructor refused to
teach him anymore!!! By late afternoon we headed back to our room to get
all gussied up for this fancy last night dinner. By now ..having
the fair skin that I do, being Italian meant nothing to the red swollen
burnt welts I call a body, and I wanted nothing more than a clean cold
bath. Much to our surprise, the dripping had stopped.. I mentioned this
to Debbie who then turned the tap to find that we had no water at all.
Once again we phoned the main desk ..they said repairs were being made
and it would be on soon around 5:45. Our reservations were for 6:00.
We shared the half of a pitcher of drinking water we had left to wash the
mounds of sand that has accumulated on us in various spots, slipped on
our most comfortable dresses and headed off to this lovely outdoor restaurant.
We were escorted to a corner table next to a snow fence and the margaritas
began to flow. The salad bar consisted of lettuce, rice with
black bean, carrots with black beans and shredded cabbage.... we took the
tomato garnish. Wine began to flow and a bowl of rice in tomato with
black beans was served... bleah! ..More wine ..another dish... something
yellow? perhaps squash? something exotic? would you believe
frozen french fries? We
both started to laugh quite hard at this and people began to stare!
Debbie said "I'd give my right arm for a Tim Horton's Coffee right now!"
..the couple next to us .. young honeymooners both said at the same time
"ME TOO"! Well we all started laughing then cause we were all from
Canada or England in the restaurant. The waiter then brought some
kind of meat on a big skewer and was slicing it on our plate .. I think
it was brains or spam BBQ'd .. but it was horrible... then came sausage
BBQ'd on a big skewer... then chicken... then some green mystery
meat ..which he said was liver...then
pork..but it tasted kinda like BBQ Pringles to me .. I think
he lied! Then Beef... that I
know he lied about! By the time dinner was over Debbie and I had a mountain
of stuff on our plate that was inedible. We left distraught
and hungry and did the only thing we could in a time like this... went
to the bar!
Early Thursday morning we packed,
had breakfast and headed to the airport via shuttlemaniacbus. We
were delayed when a herd of donkeys decided to take a stroll in the middle
of the road, but being the good bus driver he was, he made up for
lost time by not slowing down at the speed bumps anymore. At one
point on the bus someone said "I wonder whatever happened to the Taylor
party?" They never showed up for the plane last Thursday and the bus wouldn't
leave without them!" Debbie kinda cringed in her seat and silly me
piped up and said "We made it! Here we are!" Well, we spent the rest
of the trip telling everyone why we weren't on our original flight. Once
we were at the airport, I had to be specially escorted through customs
by our "guide" because I no longer had a visitor permit. When we
approached the desk with everyone watching, the big guard held up a whole
pile of these cards in his hand with a big grin said "GET OUT OF HERE!"
As we were walking through customs after we got off the plane we were asked
if we had anything to declare... I forget the exact circumstances of Debbie's
declaration ..something about a carton of cigarrettes and a carton of cigars...As
everyone else on our plane was in one line to exit ... Debbie was directed
to the customs search line with me trailing behind...and the stares and
laughter of everyone else on us. By this time nothing short of jail
would have suprised us! The officer asked Debbie what she had to
declare and she showed him the slip with the carton of cigarretes and cigars.
He asked if she had purchased any good jewellry and she said "If I had
I would be wearing it!". At this he smiled and said "GET OUT OF HERE!!!
While waiting for the plane, we met another couple from our area. They proceeded to tell us their adventures... he ended up in the hospital with a dislocated shoulder...was transferred by ambulance along with another lady having a baby. Anyways, we told them our tale and they were in stitches as we all boarded the plane. We thought we finally were in some kind of control once in our seats till we found out we were in the wrong seats and had to move back up to the front against the flow of traffic. It turned out I was seated with two young teenage girls who looked totally distraught when I sat down next to them and Debbie was with a couple on their honeymoon. The stewardess asked if anyone would like to move since their was empty seats and we eagerly volunteered. Now we had front row seats and could see the pilot fly the plane. Our luggage remained half way back since we felt we didn't want to hold up the plane anymore. The flight home was smooth and relaxing since Debbie bought us each headsets to watch the movie. The plan even flew over my house ...Once we landed and it was time to disembark from the plane ..we had to get our bags from the back of the plane ..as we once again caused a commotion and struggled with traffic to get them someone from the back yelled out "I KNEW IT HAD TO BE YOU TWO..I JUST KNEW IT WHEN THERE WAS A COMMOTION IT HAD TO BE YOU TWO!" The whole plane just roared with laughter at Lucy and Ethel and their wild adventure!
I couldn't help think on the
way home, Tim Horton's coffee in my hand, some very special friends all
around me, "would I do it again?" YOU BETCHA!!!! .... in a moment! Life
is good and sometimes even the most unexpected situations call for laughter!