Rose's Place

Hi, my name is Rose, and welcome to my place on the web. I live in Upstate, NY. I was born in Glens Falls Hospital, 32 years ago. I am the sixth in line of seven children. I have three older sisters, which I am the youngest of four girls, and two older brothers and one younger brother. And there is my mom, Rosemary, who was the strongest person I knew. I never really realized it until she was diagnosed with pancreatic and liver cancer in July of 1999. She passed away on March 15, 2000.  I guess out of all seven children, I was the fortunate one, I was blessed with her name. Please check the site out I have dedicated to her. Rosemary's Page. 

Times were hard when we were young kids, so my mom had to put us in foster care. I was in foster care for four years with another wonderful family. The Stephenson's. But my mom was determined to get us all back, and that is what she did, I give her lots of credit for doing that. I still visit my foster family. These past two years have been tough on them. On October 2, 1999, I lost my foster brother, Keith. And, on September 24, 2000, I lost my foster mother, Lou, who passed away with lung cancer. Please visit the pages I have dedicated to them.

I am always trying to work on these pages to make them better, so check back often.

I have been a secretary for eight years for WSWHE BOCES

In March of 1992 I married my husband Ken. See his page I made for him at Ken's Place In May of 1993, my daughter Kayleigh was born, she is the highlight of our life. She keeps us busy. Visit her web page at Kayleigh's Place. I also have a 16 year-old step-daughter Amanda (she likes to be called Mandie) who lives in Texas. Please check out her page. Ken and I are both members of our local fire department. He is a fireman, and I am secretary for the auxiliary (no you won't catch me fighting fires.)

These past three years have been real rough with the loss of five of my family members. Just when you try grieve for one or think you are going to be fine, something else happens.

My mother-n-law, Ginny, just passed away this past summer on July 14, from the result of the treatment for lung cancer. She managed to beat the cancer, but all the radiation they gave her damaged her lungs. I am in the process of creating a page for her.

I am also in the process of creating a page for my sister-n-law, Cindy, who passed away in February of 2000. I never got a chance to create a page for her when she passed away, I was too busy taking care of my mom who passed away about 2-3 weeks later.


Me and Kayleigh

Halloween 2000



April 2001

Sites Dedicated to my Family

Sites Dedicated to Lost Loved Ones

Ken's Place My Mom - Rosemary
Kayleigh's Place My Foster-Mom - Lou
Mandie's Place My Mother-n-Law - Virginia
Our Wedding My Foster-Brother - Cheese Blotto
My Sister-n-Law - Cindy

Other Pages I've Created

Awards / Gifts I Have Been Given My Angel / Inspirational Page
Banner Exchange - Page 1
Banner Exchange - Page 2
Cyber Adoptions

Other Sites I've Created

Favorite Links

New York State Association of

Educational Office Professionals

Favorite Phrases
WebRings I Belong To
White Tigers


Hi, my name is Matilda

and I love to bark ALL the time!

In Memory of Nikki

We miss you.

This is me when I was 3 months old.


Hi, my name is Jake

I am now 2 3/4 years old

My birthday is March 24


This is me when I was a year old

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