Our first introduction to Springers was when we campaigned the lovely Aust & Nz Ch Wongan Sweet N Lovely owned by David and Stephanie Rickard. Pictured here as a youngster

The prefix PENITA was established in 1974 when we started showing dogs in the Gundog Group. I had previously shown Rough Coated Collies, Shetland Sheepdog and even a German Shepherd when I was younger and a lot fitter.

In the early days of our marriage we only had one dog and that was a Collie. With both of us at work during the day we decided to get another dog to keep it company. Terry wanted to get a Cocker Spaniel, so we duly purchased one.

After several years of showing Cocker Spaniels, American Cocker Spaniels, and a Clumber Spaniel, we then ventured into Springer Spaniels.

In the early 1980's we exhibited AUST & NZ CH WONGAN SWEET N LOVELY for David & Stephanie Rickard. From then on you could say we were hooked.

The first Springer that we owned was AUST CH WONGAN PIPPIT "Birdie" was sired by Ch Wongan Intonator (Ch Mompesson Midsummer Lad X Ch Monclare Sugar N Spice) out of Ch Wongan Clan Bramble (Ch Clanach Argyle Tartan X Ch Monclare Sugar N Spice). Birdie was a multi class in show winner and also won Best of Breed at the Royal Melbourne Show in 1984.

Birdie was the mother of our multi Best In Show winning AUSTRALIAN GRAND CHAMPION & NEW ZEALAND CHAMPION PENITA ONTOP OTHEWORLD. He has had an incredible show career, winning his first Best In Show award at 16 months and has been a most consistent winner for us.

During his show career Caddy was the winner of:

  • 33 Best In Show Awards
  • 22 Runner Up Best In Show Awards
  • 100 Best In Group Awards
  • 32 Runner Up Best In Group Awards
  • 250 Challenge Certificates
  • Caddy is of course only one of our lovely Springers we have bred.

    Penita Kennels
    Terry & Jeanne Skudder

    Phone: Within Australia (03) 6391 1658

    Phone: Outside Australia (61) (3) 6391 1658

    Facsimile: (03) 6391 3056

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