Hello, My name is Christopher. I am 2 years old. I am a very happy little boy. I enjoy running, jumping, climbing, wrestling with my sisters and playing with my toys. I have childhood Asthma and Excema which are both under control right now but I have had problems off and on since I was 6 months old.
I live with my mom, dad, Nicole(4 year old sister), and Jocelyn(my twin sister).
My nick names are buddy and monkey boy.....Jocelyn and Nicole call me buddy because Jocelyn cannot say Christopher yet. My parents call me monkey boy because I can get into anything by climbing.
I have a lot of energy and do not enjoy sleeping. I would really like to cut out my nap but my mom won't let me yet.....something about her needing me to have the nap.
Jocelyn and I look nothing alike!!! We are fraternal twins and are complete opposites. We were born on April 10,1997 2 minutes apart. We were almost 1 lb different at birth too!! I was 5lb 12oz and Jocelyn was 6lb 9oz. I was born bald and I still am because my mom will not let it grow out. Jocelyn has dark hair and a lot more on her head than I do.
Well I better stop for now. There are some links below you might want to check out!!!
Child Asthma Links
Childhood Asthma

Canadian Network for Asthma Care(CNAC) -- Asthma Links

The Australian Lung Association -- Asthma Information

Asthma Information Center -- The Journal of the American Medical Association(JAMA)

Childhood Asthma Foundation