A quick and
easy way to organize collected recipes from magazines
or newspapers is to file them in photo albums that
have clear plastic self-adhesive pages. Simply peel
back the plastic sheet and press the recipe in place.
A three ring binder works best since you can add or
remove pages a necessary.
Put a handful or two
of tissue, torn into shreds, in the bottom of the
cookie jar. This allows the air to pass through,
keeping the cookies crisp and good.
A currycomb makes an excellent fish
When scaling fish, put them in a
large pan of water and scale while under the water.
You'll find it's less messy because the scales do not
fly everywhere.
When you throw out the water, all
the scales are in the pan.
Mineral spirits
rubbed on gently with a piece of terry cloth will
remove the sticky residue left on an item by price
Denatured rubbing alcohol is very
effective for cleaning shower tiles, and it leaves
them sparkling. Put it in a small container and scrub
with an old washcloth.
Use rubbing alcohol
and a soft cloth to clean piano keys
To clean stained teapots off
coffeepots, soak a denture tablet in them
Buff up pewter with a cabbage leaf
for a nice shine
Rid sinks of green stains
with baking soda. Just sprinkle it on and rub
When cooking bacon (not frozen), dip it
in flour and fry as usual. The flour gives it more
body and makes a beautiful crust.
To keep
cooked ham from developing a sticky feeling and
taste, store in the refrigerator in a brown paper
bag with the flap turned over.
Pickling spices
often sit in the cupboard getting stale when harvest
season is over. Use them up as a flavor enhancer for
tomato sauce.
Tie about a teaspoon in
cheesecloth or empty out a tea bag, fill it with
pickling spice, and use a bread twist tie to
secure it. Add it to tomato sauce as it cooks.
When cooking anything that grows above the ground,
start in hot water. Start anything that grows under
the ground in cold water.
Use snap-type clothespins instead of wire wrappers to
keep bread bags sealed. It's faster! This trick also
works well on bags of chips and popcorn and on the
waxed paper bags inside cereal boxes.
Use disposable gloves while kneading dough. It does
not stick to the gloves and cleanup is a breeze.
If you freeze your package of flour before putting it
in a canister, it will not become buggy.
Put one stick of chewing gum with the outside wrapper
removed into an opened box of flour or oatmeal to
keep it free of bugs.
Keep a magnet in your
sewing basket to pick up dropped needles or pins in
hard-to-find places.
Use different colored plastic baskets with handles to
store frozen foods in a chest-type freezer. Keep all
'like' items together in one basket - vegetables in
one, beef in another, etc. Then make a list of colors
and categories and keep it near the freezer. This
saves having to dig into the freezer to get what you
To open clogged drains, fill them with
Spic and Span powder. Pour about a quart or more of
boiling water into the drain. After a few moments
turn on the faucets and allow water to run into the
sink. If drains are not gurgling properly,