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Welcome friends, old and new! I'm delighted you've come for a
visit and hope you enjoy my first web pages.  It has been
fun to struggle along and create pages on what I love

and feel.  I hope you find something you like here and
if you do, please take a minute to sign the Guestbook.
I'd love to hear from you. 

Thanks for stopping by!

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HTML is Greek to me and so I had to do
My pages in another way to bring them all to you.
I worked and toiled, stayed up all night
And tried and tried and sweat..
I read the books and tried the tips

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Hope you like the dog's pages!
(Mrs. Dog, Pepper, Sidney and Buster!)

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Support your local animal shelter!

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Miracles do happen!
See Faith and God's Work.

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If you think you'd like to know a little about me,
go to my Personal Interview!

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Be sure to stop my my mom's page.  Learn a little
about Dortha and see her lovely art work.

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Read Bunny's poetry and feel God's love in these pages!
This mother of seven reflects the warmth and love of
family life in a way that will truly touch your heart.
See Poems From the Heart.

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must tell you that making these pages has been bittersweet.
Creating Faith and God's Work also created a lot of tears.
Mom's page was an emotional mixture---.happiness that she
is a cyber reality and sadness because she isn't here to see it.
The dog's pages made me giggle!

Making web pages may be one of the more frustrating challenges
of my life but I can't stop now. There's too much to learn!

Thanks so much for stopping by.  Be sure to come back soon!

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PVB's Pages

   Mrs. Dog | Pepper's Page | Sidney's Page |
Meet Buster!
  Interests and Links | PVB's Interview

Faith  |  God's Work (Miracles Do Happen)
Mom's Page
Wait (A dialogue with God) 
Perfect Trust  
Storms of Life
A Cross To Bear
When Jesus Looks
My Valentine Prayer  (A very special card)
 God Loves You  (Just for your special angel)
Wedding  A perfect greeting for those about to be wed (by Bunny!)
Poems From the Heart (by Bunny)
A Christian Mother  |  Prayer Partners 
 Parents To Be (For all moms to be)
Friends | Conversation in Prayer
  Our Dusty (Saying goodbye to a pet)
A Day With a Mom (A day all moms can relate to!)
Friendship Page (Bunny and I have a little gift for you here!)
 Sister Love  
 The Butterfly  

Awards |Webrings

Please take a minute and sign the New Guestbook
To view Guestbook #1, click here.
To view Guestbook #2, click here.

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