Gates Cemetery Restoration

Gates, N. Y.

These web pages have been developed to provide information about the restoration of the historic Gates Cemetery, located in Gates, NY, near the intersection of Buffalo Rd. (Rte. 33) and Howard Rd. In the spring of 1998 a group of citizens began working to restore the old cemetery to a more acceptable and appropriate condition. The work includes an Eagle Scout Project to recover and re-stand fallen headstones and clear a great deal of overgrowth. Members of the Gates Garden Club initiated and supported the efforts.

Scouts from Troop 94, Gates, and the color guard from the American Legion, Doud Post prepare to raise the colors on Memorial Day, 1999.

Members of the Sons of the American Revolution placed markers on the graves of the Revolutionary War Veterans.

The cemetery includes the graves of two Revolutionary War Veterans. The headstones of David Gage and his wife, Rachel are in relatively good condition. A flag placed by the VFW and geraniums planted by the garden club honor the site.

More pictures and information about the project.

An Aerial View - 1957

The Condition of the Cemetery - Spring, 1998.

The Condition of the Cemetery - Early Stages of the Project

Problem Areas Encountered

Restoration Results - Headstones Reset

More Results - Other Headstones Preserved

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