Brownie Troop 2769
Girl Scout Council of the Nation's Capital

Brownie Troop 2769 currently has 10 first and second grade Brownies. Next year we will be welcoming 2 more girls into our troop. And since all 10 of our current girls are returning that will bring our total to 12 second and third grade brownies.
This was our troops first year. And I'm glad to say it was a wonderful experience. And we are looking forward to next year. We hope our girls enjoy their summer!!
Trips we took:
Children's Museum:
The girls had fun making puppets out of paper towel tubes, learning how to make yarn dolls, and learning to be mimes. They even had their faces painted to look like mimes!

The girls got the chance to touch animal skins and fur. And learn alittle about the different animal groups. We also did our ecology hunt at the zoo. The girls had to listen for different sounds, smell different types of smells, and see lots of different types of animals.

Service unit activities we attended:

In Dec.: Dance Demo:

A local dance studio performed for the girls. An arobics instructor introduceed arobics to the girls. They all got to try to do arobics(grin). They learned the Electric slide. And the junior troop that hosted the activity taught the Brownies several animal moves.

In Feb.: Thinking Day!:

Our girls learned about Hawaii. We made T-shirts, lei's and grass skirts. They each read a fact about Hawaii or Girl Scouting in Hawaii. We had Macadamia nuts for the girls to try and made Hibiscus flower SWAPS.

In Mar.: Ice Skating:

The girls had a great time. A few were ice skating for the first time. We had acouple of bumps and bruises, but all the girls had fun!

End of April:Cinco De Mayo:

The girls were able to break a pinata(and get candy!), make yarn pictures, shakers out of paper plates, and bright colored flowers out of tissue paper. At the end we all ate tortilla chips and salsa.

In May: Math Fun:

The girls used measuring skills to make milk shakes, designed their dream rooms on graph paper, were measured in height with pixie sticks, had their feet measured with sticks of gum( They got to keep the pixie sticks and gum), and tried to guess how many jelly beans were in a jar.
Try-its we worked on:
GS Ways, Dancersize, Art to Wear, Play, Numbers and Shapes, Puppets, Dolls, and Plays, Senses, Outdoor Fun, Animals, Caring and Sharing, Math Fun, Manners
To contact one of our leaders click on her name

Troop Calendar
Troop Mascot


Girls Thoughts