Genealogy Society

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norman taylor - 12/05/00 01:05:18
My URL:http://devoted.to/geneology

a great web site you have there, my Taylor's from john & susan can be seen at http://devoted.to/geneology my line follows down thru james#1 & Mary Gregory

taterbug0 - 11/22/00 02:58:33

Love your website. Beautiful. I keep finding a Charles Taylor b. 1750 on lots of web sites but no other information. Keep up the good work, it is very interesting. Allene Taylor Turner

DDRajiv - 08/31/00 08:32:53
My URL:http://www.digitaldelilah.com


Your website looks great! All of your hard work shines through and it is obvious that you have spent a great deal of time and effort into making these wonderful pages! Why not consider putting your site to the test? We invite you to apply to the Digital Delilah's Website Competition!! Or maybe you would like to join the Staff! You are also cordially invited to apply to join our web ring.

barb - 08/18/00 16:33:53

Hey Deanna, really neat homepage, You have done really good. Barbara(Allen)Lee

Big Brother - 07/09/00 22:58:06

Looking Good Sis! Keep up the good Work!!!!!!!!! Love, Rod

Angee - 01/18/03 16:33:53

Hi Deanna, I found your really neat website while researching for for a report for collage.

This Heartland Genealogy Society site owned by Deanna Taylor.
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