Lori's Garden Has Received
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Please Click On The Images To Visit Some Extra Special
This Is My Very First Award For Lori's Garden
Of Inspiration
It's Very Dear To Me, As It Comes From
Wonderful Lady And Friend
Please Take A Moment To Visit Her Site
By Clicking On The Above Image
~Thank You, Dear Friend. You Are
A Blessing In My Life~
Thank You So Much, Angel Star
This was a pleasant surprise, and I thank you too for the
beautiful Angel Globe you customized for me... You have a dear
Please click on the above award to visit Angel Star's Site.
She has the most beautiful graphics.
Thank You To Judy Divers And All The Volunteers
At Groww
For This Heartwarming Award
You All Have Helped Me Through The Loss
Of My Father,
And Continue To Provide A Safe And Loving
For Everyone Who Has Lost Loved Ones.
Please Click On The Image Above To Visit
The GROWW Web Site
The Olive branch symbolizes peace. The
Laurel branch symbolizes success and strength. The Willow Tree, chosen
as our GROWW tree, the "umbrella" that embraces the tears that brought
us together, the butterfly to symbolize the change in each of our lives,
the sunrise for the hope that tomorrow may bring, but most of all the love
and support as our Angels, the trunk of the tree is what GROWW represents.
The Willow Branch Award is for those who have shown that love and support
to GROWW, and it's members.
"My Little Piece Of Heaven Excellence Award
Special thanks to Alicia for honoring Lori's
Garden with this precious award.
Please take a moment to Visit Alicia's
Web site (My Little Piece Of Heaven),
by clicking on the above image.
Thank You... Alicia
"Pet Care And Love Award"
Thank you to Al and his precious cat, Freckles.
I hope "Ugly The Cat" touches the heart
of others, as it has you!
"The 9 Star Award For Web Page Excellence
in Design/Creativity"
Again, Thank you Al.
I feel honored and grateful to receive
this beautiful award
Thank you and God bless!
Please take a moment to Visit
Al's home page
"The Stewart Family Home
or click on the above awards.
Thank you to Bert for the extra special
"Web Stuff Cool Site Award"
Please take a moment to Visit
Bert Wolf's Web Site
Thank you to everyone at
"Net Buddies" for this extra special award
Please click on the above image and take
a tour to some GREAT sites!
Thank you to Deneen for" Sonshine's Pick Of The
Week Award"
Sonshine News Pick Of The Week ~ 01/08/2000
Please take a moment to visit Sonshine News
(click on the above image to visit)
Thank You, Norma.... This was such a nice surprise
God Bless YOU!!
Once Norma's web site is up and running, I will
be adding a link to her site. Check back soon!
Thank You To Joya For This Awesome Award ~ I Love
Please take a moment to visit Joya's web site "Angelgurly" by
clicking on the image above.
Thank You To Sunshine For This Grrrr-eat Award
I Feel Extremely Honored
Please take a moment to visit "Sunshine's Site Index", by clicking
on the image above
Thank You To Shane.... This Is So Wonderful!!
Please take a moment to visit Shane's web site, "Buzzalong Japanese
You All
More Awards On Page 2