The Perfect
If you
should find
the perfect
without fault
or smear,
Please, don't
join that church,
you'd spoil
the atmosphere.
If you should
find the perfect church
where all anxieties
Then pass it
by lest joining it
you mar the
If you should
find the perfect church,
then don't
you ever dare
To tread upon
such holy ground
you'd be a
misfit there.
But since no
perfect church exists...
made of imperfect
Then let's
cease looking for that church,
and love the
one we're in.
Of course it's
not a perfect church,
that's simple
to discern,
But you and
I and all of us
could cause
the tide to turn.
So let's keep
working in our church
until the resurrection,
And then we
each will join God's church
without an
~Author Unknown~
Thanks to
Bob & Jackie for sending this poem to me.
It certainly was an eye opener.
You are
both wonderful!
"Turn Your
Eyes Upon Jesus"
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