Our Friendship
Is A Wonderful Feeling That I Carry In My Heart

Because you are who you are,
we're friends

Whether it was your smile or your laugh that caught my eye, it was definitely your concerned attitude that captured my heart.

When we first met, I felt like I had known you all my life.  I could talk to you so easily; I could trust you with my innermost thoughts; I could laugh with you on the spur of the moment

With you, my friend, I don't have to pretend to be anything that I'm not.  You accept me for who I am and what I represent.  You are that rare kind of person who cares enough to allow and even encourage a person to be who they are.

You have helped me through some difficult times, lifting my spirits with a smile and hug.

"Thanks" just doesn't adequately express my appreciation.
I appreciate your friendship.  It is one that rises from our hearts and will always be cherished.

~Dedicated And Composed For Patti Jo On Her 33rd Birthday~
My Friend Through Life;  Past, Present, And Future
May You Alway Find Love, Peace And Happiness
Love, Lori

"That's What Friends Are For"

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