Your friend,
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By Bob Macchia
~ A Message From Lori~
Since I began composing Lori's Garden Of Inspiration, I have met some truly wonderful people. Some have come to me with praise, some with prayer requests, and some needing someone to talk to. Others just need to be heard without criticism or judgment. Each and every one has touched my heart in some way, and has blessed my life through their love, compassion, concern and faith.
One such person has stood beside me with words of encouragement and faith. He has, on countless days, brought a smile to my face and joy into my heart. His love for his wife and family are unconditional, and his love for his friends are nothing less. I do not believe it was by chance that we met, as I believe all things are a part of Gods plan in our lives. I thank God for bringing this dear friend into my life, for in his friendship I have grown closer to God and my own self worth.
Thank you, Bob for this beautiful dedication, you are my hero and have been the wind beneath my wings more often than you know. My wish for you is; a life full of love, peace and happiness.
Your Friend Always,
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