Take time out to pray When your heartsick and lonely and seem to be lost In the hustle and bustle each day When you have no prespective and no aim in life Than take time out to pray. When it seems that your've lost Every friend that you had As you struggle along life's byway Then all of your loved ones seem so far from you than take time out to pray. When you want to undo All all the wrongs you have done And wounder just what you can say Think of One up above Who is willing to help If you'll only take time out to pray When each day seems harder than ones that have passed and your feelings are one of dismay when you wounder just how you can meet all the tests than take time out to pray You'll soon find peace of mind You'll be happier by far You will lose the cares of the day You'll go on your way with a song in your heart when you finally take time out to pray written by Violet May Spaulding |
It is restful being with someone who knows the worst about you and, when knowing the worst, you find that they still love you, the wonder of it all is so great that it seems to make the whole world new. WRITTEN BY VIOLET MAY SPAULDING |
STEP BY STEP IT does not lead me year by year, not even day by day, But step by step,my path unfolds, My Lord directs my way. Tomorrow's plans I do not know, I only know this minute. But he will say, this is the way, by faith now walk ye' in it. And I am glad that it is so,today's enought to bear. And when tommrow comes,His Grace shall far exceed it's care. What need to worry then or fret? The God who gave His son,Holds all my moments in His hand,and gives them one by one.. Written By , Violet May Spaulding |