My trip to

Greeley Colorado

OK.  We are going to do a little word association here.   Everytime you see the word Greely, associate it with the most foul smell you have ever suffered through, times it by ten, and then imagine it everywhere.  That is Greeley, Colorado.
The smell was EVERYWHERE!  It hit you like a brick in your throat when you walked outside.  It felt like you had someone sitting on your chest, becuase your body would automatically spasm in order to not breathe in that airborne caustic.  We called it the Greeley Haze.  We also performed our own word association that I still use to this day.  Here is an example: "How is your day?" Answer: "Perfectly Greeley."

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The Greeley haze

tn_trip03_jpg.jpg (2495 bytes) The trip was an effort to bring the good people of Greeley up to speed on the Internet product they were taking over for my company.  My company was outsourcing our jobs to them, and needed someone to help bring them up to speed before they laid us off the following week.  So, always up for a free vacation in an exotic locale, I went.  Man was it a Greeley trip.
Greeley is a college town.  Lots of college students.   Well, not really.  How about lots of college students that didn't have anything better to do for the summer than sit in this town and wait for school.  Yep, that works.

OK, I admit that the people there were really nice.  The service was slow though.  I mean slow.  I mean, at a Denny's I ordered eggs and pancakes, the eggs took 15 minutes to come to the table.  And they were cold.  The pancakes were 10 minutes after that, even colder.  And yes, I will also admit that I did not leave a tip.  For the first time in my life, I did not tip the waitress.   I also complained to the manager.  It was very Greeley service period.

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The hotel we stayed in was apparently one of the best in Greeley.  Oh, it was greeley, all right.   But enough about the better points of the city.

The best time we had in Greeley was when left it altogether.  We made a couple of trips to Denver (very nice city) and once went into the mountains nearby.   We don't have any pictures of Denver (something about incriminating evidence), but we have plenty of the trip in the, uh, mountains (I forget what they were called).

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* The smell of Greeley actually comes from a cattle processing plant located there.  I was told that there could be upwards of 200,000 cattle.  This processing facility was in between our hotel and the center we were working at.  I was also told that the smell is worse during the day because they uncover the feeding pits with specially mixed and fermented feed (we are talking rotten fruit, grains, vegetables, and who knows what else).  It was the worst smell.  Ever.