Do you like to bowl?
Do you bowl with your friends?
Do you own a bowling ball? A bag?
Do you like to have fun? Grin? Giggle? Laugh?
Do you like to do fun, zany things with your friends?
If you answered YES to any of these questions,
FUZZY FINGERS© may be right up your alley!
Have you ever considered decorating a bowling ball?!
(I warned you, REALLY different!)
Let me introduce you to..................Fuzzy Fingers©!
If you opened your bowling bag and saw this
'thing' staring out at you, how would you react?
Startled?! Surprised?! Strange? How about if he sticks his tongue out at you for trying to remove him improperly?! Well, so do my friends! Then they make smart remarks!
Fuzzy Fingers is a recycled materials craft project for the entire family:
the young, the old, male or female - those who bowl as well as those who watch.
Fuzzy Fingers has at least three functions in life:
- make you and your friends grin, smile, laugh and/or react,
- prompt you and others to make smart (happy) remarks about it
- and to clean the finger holes of your bowling ball.
Ready for some fun?!
This is going to get to be zany, crazy fun.
You can do it too and help!

Meet Curly. He is Fuzzy Fingers #1. He is the first of a series of designs being implemented to help us enjoy bowling just a little bit more. (I ignore the hats. He tries them on wherever he goes. I think he's looking for an alter-personality or something.)
How do you get your own Fuzzy Fingers?
Each person will make their own Fuzzy Fingers from a pattern they buy from V5 Enterprises. Just like bowling balls and people, each Fuzzy Fingers is totally unique. Because you are using your recycled amyerials, no two are exactly alike. Fuzzy Fingers are functional, environmentally aware, recycle oriented, zany and totally unique. The pattern shows how to decorate your Fuzzy Fingers like Curly. However, once you have your own pattern, you can decorate it any way you want (just don't tell Curly!).
You guys or gals say that you don't sew? Get mom, grandma or sweetheart to do it with you.
What will I do with it?
Once you have your Fuzzy Fingers, share him with your friends. Put your completed project into place in your bowling ball inside your bowling bag. The next time you go bowling with some friends, have a friend open your bag to 'hand you your shoes, towel or ball'. Then watch their reaction! If they grab him wrong, Curly will stick out his tongue at them!
OR, if you have a team, have each member of the team mount their Fuzzy Fingers in their ball, line them up on the rack (before bowling) and take a picture. I will put it on the internet for all to see (if you send the picture to V5 Enterprises or
Just for the fun of it. And that is precisely why I am doing this at Besides, I chose to introduce this now because
Grinners Anonymous selected Fuzzy Fingers as their first craft project. Their program increases the grinning happy times in our lives. They are also going to conduct a Fuzzy Fingers competition at their first Grinners convention next year, so how could I refuse?!
How do I get a Fuzzy Fingers pattern?
- Print out the order form, complete it and send it to V5 Enterprises with proper payment.
- Proper Payment: 5 Dollars for the first copy, 2 dollars for each additional copy.
- Payment Method: This craft project is too inexpensive to justify credit card processing, so payments will be accepted via check or money order submitted with your order.
- Shipping: Normal shipping will be via the US Postal Service. In a HURRY? Provide a FAX number (even to your computer) and I will FAX your copy(ies) to you. Don't have a FAX? No problem. I have FAX on Demand service. I will set up your copy there and tell you where it is and how to access it. Then you can retrieve it whenever you are ready.
Can I make my own design?
Are you creative? A designer? You will love this! Members of the totally free organization GAS (Grinners Anonymous Society) who purchase a copy of Fuzzy Fingers are being given the opportunity to design Fuzzy Fingers creations for fun and profit. Designs which are accepted will be included here and in GAS competition activities. Full details will be included with your Fuzzy Fingers shipment. But, you MUST be sure to join GAS to share in this zany creativity.
Oouuhh! Whew!
Well, Curly has my attention now! That fish has got to go! It seems that Curly wants to take his pet fish for a swim. I'd better get going. Curly needs me to inflate his life preserver so he doesn't sink. Remember, Fuzzy Fingers gives meaning to Save Those Old Balls!

Fuzzy Fingers is the creation of Leland G Vogel.
Fuzzy Fingers is Copyright and Trademark protected, 1999 - all rights reserved