Cooking Around the World

As you're reading these recipes, don't forget to stock up on the spices needed. Do what we at the Wright Group have done for years-- periodically check your spice inventory, and, when low, order them from a well-established company and have them delivered right to your door. We get our spices from The Great American Spice Co. Click on the graphic below to visit their web site.

Welcome To the AMERICAN: Eastern Heartland Page!

The State Flags of each of the Eastern Heartland States
New YorkNew JerseyPennsylvaniaOhio

The American Eastern Heartland section is where we have placed recipes for dishes that we in the Wright Group have particularly enjoyed throughout what we call "the Eastern Heartland," which we have defined as the states of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana and Illinois. This particular grouping of states may strike you as unusual, yet it is also logical. This area which comprises less than 10 percent of the country's land and more than 30 percent of its people enjoy a common culinary tradition. A great many of the people who settled the more westerly states of this region came from, or at least paused in, New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania long enough to absorb and carry westward with them, via the waterways or overland, the strong patterns of cooking and eating that the original Dutch, English and German colonists had established. All across this area the men and women of the frontier depended on the fish and game they found in abundance, and the incredibly productive farms and orchards they planted; and their cooking was soon enriched by the diverse styles and tastes of the new waves of immigrants who followed them. All of these elements have combined to give us what is regarded as archetypal American food. Eastern Heartland cooking is stick-to-the-ribs stuff, more plain than fancy, given to substantial meat dishes, dumplings, breads, pies. It does not have the austere background of the New England style, or the glamorous background of some of the Southern style; but it is hearty, appetizing, often exciting and always good.

Index Recipe Category
Eastern Heartland
Wild Elderberry Soup
Eastern Heartland
Shaker Potato-Leek Soup
Eastern Heartland
Philadelphia Pepper Pot
Eastern Heartland
Philadelphia Snapper Soup
Eastern Heartland
Consommé Bellevue
Eastern Heartland
Shaker Herb Soup
Eastern Heartland
Manhattan Clam Chowder
Eastern Heartland
Chicken-Corn Soup
Eastern Heartland
Batter-fried Mushrooms
Vegetables & Salads
Eastern Heartland
Summer Squash Soufflé
Vegetables & Salads
Eastern Heartland
Fresh Asparagus with Lemon Cream Sauce, Shaker Style
Vegetables & Salads
Eastern Heartland
Fresh Spinach and Herbs, Shaker Style
Vegetables & Salads
Eastern Heartland
Corn Custard
Vegetables & Salads
Eastern Heartland
Potato Filling
Vegetables & Salads
Eastern Heartland
Shaker Salad
Vegetables & Salads
Eastern Heartland
Waldorf Salad
Vegetables & Salads
Eastern Heartland
Braised Pork Chops
Eastern Heartland
Pot-roasted Loin of Pork
Eastern Heartland
Flank Steak with Meat Stuffing, Shaker Style
Eastern Heartland
Deviled Short Ribs
Eastern Heartland
Martha Washington's Grand Leg of Lamb
Eastern Heartland
Barbecued Venison Chops
Eastern Heartland
Venison Stew
Eastern Heartland
Indiana Farm Sausage
Eastern Heartland
Scnitz und Kneppe
Eastern Heartland
Creamed Chipped Beef in Toasted Bread Cups
Eastern Heartland
Chicken Breasts and Ham with Sherried Cream Sauce
Poultry & Game Birds
Eastern Heartland
Chicken Potpie
Poultry & Game Birds
Eastern Heartland
Batter-fried Chicken
Poultry & Game Birds
Eastern Heartland
Roast Duck with Apricot-Rice Stuffing
Poultry & Game Birds
Eastern Heartland
Batter-fried Bluegills
Fish & Shellfish
Eastern Heartland
Fried Lake Perch Fillets with Tartar Sauce
Fish & Shellfish
Eastern Heartland
Philadelphia Baked Clams
Fish & Shellfish
Eastern Heartland
New York Oyster Stew
Fish & Shellfish
Eastern Heartland
Oysters Casino
Fish & Shellfish
Eastern Heartland
John Clancy's Broiled Clams
Fish & Shellfish
Eastern Heartland
Clam Fritters
Fish & Shellfish
Eastern Heartland
Broiled Skewered Scallops
Fish & Shellfish
Eastern Heartland
Lobster Croquettes
Fish & Shellfish
Eastern Heartland
Lobster Thermidor
Fish & Shellfish
Eastern Heartland
Sour-Cream Cornbread
Breads, Biscuits & Breakfast Cakes
Eastern Heartland
Dilly Bread
Breads, Biscuits & Breakfast Cakes
Eastern Heartland
Cornmeal Griddle Cakes
Breads, Biscuits & Breakfast Cakes
Eastern Heartland
Fried Yeast Biscuits
Breads, Biscuits & Breakfast Cakes
Eastern Heartland
Funnel Cakes
Breads, Biscuits & Breakfast Cakes
Eastern Heartland
Apple Muffins
Breads, Biscuits & Breakfast Cakes
Eastern Heartland
Philadelphia Cinnamon Buns
Breads, Biscuits & Breakfast Cakes
Eastern Heartland
Schwenkfelder Cake
Breads, Biscuits & Breakfast Cakes
Eastern Heartland
Moravian Sugar Cake
Breads, Biscuits & Breakfast Cakes
Eastern Heartland
Breads, Biscuits & Breakfast Cakes
Eastern Heartland
Bread-and-Butter Pickles
Pickles, Preserves & Relishes
Eastern Heartland
Pennsylvania Pepper Relish
Pickles, Preserves & Relishes
Eastern Heartland
Red Beet Eggs
Pickles, Preserves & Relishes
Eastern Heartland
Pepper Cabbage
Pickles, Preserves & Relishes
Eastern Heartland
Pennsylvania Dutch Coleslaw
Pickles, Preserves & Relishes
Eastern Heartland
Mixed Nut Brittle
Eastern Heartland
Apple Jonathan
Eastern Heartland
Peach Custard
Eastern Heartland
Lemon Rice Pudding
Eastern Heartland
Cracker Pudding
Eastern Heartland
Blueberry Crumb Cake
Eastern Heartland
Cider Pie
Eastern Heartland
Sugar Pie
Eastern Heartland
Shoofly Pie
Eastern Heartland
Amish Raisin Pie
Eastern Heartland
Pork Cake
Eastern Heartland
Applesauce Cake
Eastern Heartland
Eastern Heartland
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