26080 Wax Road 

Denham Springs, LA


Denham Springs is located approximately 10 miles east of Baton Rouge, Louisiana off of I-12.

Dedicated to the Doctrine of God's Sovereign Grace

Pastor: Jerry Dodson, Sr.

"I do not come into this pulpit hoping that perhaps somebody will of his own free will return to Christ. My hope lies in another quarter. I hope that my Master will lay hold of some of them and say, 'You are mine, and you shall be mine. I claim you for myself.' My hope arises from the freeness of grace, and not from the freedom of the will."
Charles Haddon Spurgeon



We are Pre-millennial, Sovereign Grace, Missionary, Independent Landmark Baptist

Pastor: Elder Jerry Dodson, Sr.

- Information about our Church
- Statement of Faith
- Information about our Missionary to Thailand
- Information about our Missionary to Romania
- Other Missionaries that we support
- "I Am Looking for Sinners" by Curtis Pugh
- "The Total Depravity of Man" by Jerry Dodson
- "Free Will, A Slave" by C. H. Spurgeon
- "All of Grace" by C. H. Spurgeon
- "Exposition of the Doctrines of Grace" from the Spurgeon Archive
- "13 Things a Lost Man Cannot Do" by Curtis Pugh
- "Man's Will - Free Yet Bound" by Walter Chantry
- "How Does Grace Save?" by C. D. Cole
- "Unconditional Election" by Jerry Dodson, Sr.
- "Is God a Failure?" by Curtis Pugh
- "A Brick Wall for Arminians" by Curtis Pugh
- "Answers to an Arminian Doctor's Questions" by Curtis Pugh
- "Unconditional Election" by Lucien LeSage, Jr.
- "Unconditional Election" by Wayne Camp
- "Restricted Redemption" by Oscar B. Mink
- "Atonement Sufficiency Examined" by Oscar B. Mink
- "For Whom Did Christ Die" by C. H. Spurgeon
- "Particular Redemption" by Jerry Dodson, Sr.
- "Landmarkism vs. Interdenominationalism" by Curtis Pugh
- "A Deficient Gospel" by Curtis Pugh
- "Tongues Have Ceased - The Scriptural Proof" by Lucien LeSage, Jr.
- "Speaking in Tongues" by E. G. Cook
- "Baptized in the Spirit" by B. H. Carrol
- Word Document of "Tongues Have Ceased" by Lucien LeSage, Jr.
- "An Open Letter to Roman Catholics" by Lucien LeSage, Jr.
- "Bible Answers to an Arminian Doctor's Questions" by Curtis Pugh
- "Hell: Its Origin, Purpose, Nature, Inhabitants and Duration" by Oscar B. Mink
- "The Unpardonable Sin" by C. D. Cole
- "Jerusalem" by Richard Doiron
- "What is Christmas" by E. G. Cook
- "The Doctrines of Grace" by Lasserre Bradley, Jr.
- "The Golden Age" by A. W. Pink and L. C. Peak
- "The Trail of Blood" by J. M. Carroll
- "The Sovereignty of God" by A. W. Pink
- "Three Witnesses for the Baptists" by Curtis Pugh
- Link to T.P. Simmon's Systematic Theology
- Another Link to T.P. Simmon's Systematic Theology
- Online Books at A Baptist Voice in Romania
- A Baptist Voice in Romania (Missionary: Curtis Pugh)
- Grace Bible Baptist Mission in Thailand (Missionary: Dan Sullivan)
- Northside Baptist Church, Oakdale, Louisiana
- Philadelphia Baptist Church, Decatur, Alabama
- Berea Baptist Church, Mantachie, Mississippi
- Sovereign Grace Baptist Church, Pensacola, FL (Pastor Tom Horn's Sermons)
- Sovereign Grace Baptist Church, Silsbee, Texas
- Sovereign Grace Baptist Church, Caldwell, Kansas
- Link to Articles by Oscar Mink
- The Spurgeon Archive
- John Gill's Archive
- Arthur W. Pink's Archive
- T.P. Simmon's Systematic Theology
- T.P. Simmon's Systematic Theology
- Lucien LeSage's Sunday School Lessons on Books of the Bible

Revised 03/14/2009