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Links of Interest
This is a collection of all the links from elsewhere on the site, along with some others you may enjoy, genealogical links are listed at the end of the page.

Andy & Michelle Soule's Homepage
Good friends of ours from Dover-Foxcroft, Maine with a son and another baby on the way.

Deane's Car Care
An auto detailing busines in Bangor, Maine. I did their web design for them. Let me know what you think.

Red Dwarf
The official site, run by Grant/Naylor productions, it has all you need to know about this great sci-fi comedy series.

Blackadder Hall
A wonderful site full of info about this historical comedy starring Rowan Atkinson(of Mr. Bean fame).

The official web home of the best comedy troupe Britian has ever produced.

The Goodnight Sweetheart Page
A great site for a little known, in the U.S. anyways, British time-traveling romantic comedy run by Kaatje.
The home page for WKIT & WZON radio, Carey is the Web Manager for WZON.

University of Maine
The flagship campus of the state's University system.

Bangor Chamber of Commerce
All the official news about Bangor, Maine.

Art by Lindsay May
A friend of a friend's site featuring original paintings by a Bangor, Maine artist. My personal favorite is "Skull & Aloe ".

Genealogical Links

Haskell Family Association
A non-profit group(of which I am a member) dedicated to research of the Haskell surname, membership is fairly inexpensive and they offer a quarterly newsletter. Right now they are planning a Haskell reunion for the summer of 2002 in Danvers, Massachussetts.

Ancestry Connections  
A free service making it easy for online genealogist to contribute and find data on specific surnames.
Ancient Faces
A free website that allows you to upload old photos and view others that have been contributed.

A free message service boards divided up by surnames, states and countries. A great place to get started on a Family History.

Family Search
A search driven website operated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. This site's easily searchable database includes a great deal of official records that have been catalogued by the church. It also has some free software available that will get you started on creating a family tree and there's no pitch to become a member or anything of that sort.

Another free genealogy resource. This service gives you a quick way to create an online family tree and allows you to set up sites relating to genealogy free of charge.

Dana Rae Pelletier's Web Page
She's got a lot of information on the Lincoln area of Penobscot County in Maine, including a list of some Maine cemeteries.

The SurnameWeb
Another great, free resource for family history research. They have links to a lot of great services also.

A Barrel of Genealogy Links
A page by John Joseph Lacombe II with more than 700 links to family and genealogy oriented pages.

Happy Families
A site that takes a humorous look at family life.

If any of these links don't work or if you have a suggestion for a new link, drop me a note.

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Site created and maintained by Carey Haskell
Member of the Haskell Family Association
Contact me for details on the
Web Design services I offer.