...Our story??? It was unexpected... 
It was great...It was happy... 
but unlike all stories... 
it wasn't a happy ending one... 
It didn't end... 
In fact, it will never end... 
This is only the BEGINNING... 

What do u want me to start with??? 
The day I met U?.... 
Or the first time we slow danced?... 
Or the first kiss?.... 
Hmmm... what about starting with what 
I feel right now? 
well I should at least thank u for the
greatest gift u gave me on lovers' day

habibi.. whatever I start with... 
I will never ever be able to tell U...
what exactly I felt... 
eventhough I still feel them, 
everytime I think about 
those great memories...and about U... 
How can I forget all this?!? 
When U r always on my mind..I LUV U...
The end...