Michel Abou Diwan - 11/30/99 13:17:45
My URL:http://aboudiwan.virtualave.net
My Email:micho24@hotmail.com
Are you in luv?: Not YET
Do u believe in luv?: Sure
from the first sight?: 100%
on the net?: Y NOT!

well guys shou ye72i2? i mean those questions lol, well u asked me u belive in love on the net, u know y i answered "YES" ? cuze after seing u together, and seing Edy suffering from HIS love to U Rasha, NOW i belive in love on the net! yalla ba2a i gotta go, 7ello 3anni lol, ill cry!

Ahed Elias - 10/12/99 16:39:18
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca/tdbank
My Email:ahed.elias@compaq.com
Are you in luv?: No
Do u believe in luv?: Yes
from the first sight?: No
on the net?: Yes

Hi Rachrouch, how are you doing, this is your friend Ahed messaging you, how are you doing nowadays, you're in Lebanon permanently? E-mail me and give me your news. Ahed

Joy - 04/11/99 12:09:58
My Email:joy_bebe@yahoo.com
Are you in luv?: à en mourir...
Do u believe in luv?: biggest fan :)
from the first sight?: oh yes...
on the net?: why not!

I just want to tell you that I am a great believer in love's power...I believe it can conquer distances...and time... I have two advices for you: "Save the love come what may Love is worth everything we pay "(I want to spend my lifetime loving you) ...and finally, there is no better way to live than to live for the one you love: "Vivre pour celui qu'on aime Aimer plus que l'amour même Donner sans rien attendre en retour Aimer comme la nuit aime le jour Aimer jusqu'à en mourir d'amour" (Vivre from Notre Dame de Paris album) My prayers are for both of you and for me and my baby:)), may God bring us close back again the soonest...

Karen - 03/14/99 01:26:23
My Email:karrouna@yahoo.com
Are you in luv?: Nope
Do u believe in luv?: Yes
from the first sight?: Yes
on the net?: Never

Dear Brother Eddy & Dear Sister Racha I am proud of u , I really am :) I'll die for u and u know that :*** I am ur sister and I'll do anything to see u Happy :) Ba3din Sit Racha never say that anymore ok ? Inno " hope someday we'll be able to give 0.1% back" coz I didn't do anything Ok ? Understood ? U r my sister and Eddy is my brother so majboura fikon ana ok ???????? Mish bass I love u , I adore u so much ...Long distance never change my love 4 u sister , One day u'll be here 4 good and I'll see u everyday , happy with my brother Eddy .... Wish u the best Luck , My dears Karen must be the name of ur Daughter :)) I love u so much :****** ur sister who loves u so much karen98

Jad Morcos - 03/11/99 00:36:06
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/JAD0
My Email:hawzy20@hotmail.com
Are you in luv?: Yea
Do u believe in luv?: Yea
from the first sight?: Maybe..Depends
on the net?: NO

Eddy And Russia *who i call 'my favorite couple'* I AM SO HAPPY that i got to know you over the summer in Lebanon..unfortunatly we had to part, and we all know that is not a fun thing to do. But as I always say " NO MATTER HOW MUCH DISTANCES CAN COME BETWEEN US, AND MILES CAN KEEP HANDS FROM TOUCHING, HEARTS WILL NEVER BE SEPERATED" I wish you all the luck and the Best in everythihng you do in your future.. Love you always and i will always be here for you *that's what friends are for* Love, JAD0- Jad,Eddy,Racha,Karen (JERK) LOL

Roula, Micho et baby - 03/04/99 04:56:25
Are you in luv?: u bet!!!
Do u believe in luv?: u better beleive it!
from the first sight?: long story
on the net?: No WAY!!!

Best of eveything and God be with u :)

tony assi - 03/02/99 14:22:29
My Email:bravocobra@hotmail.com
Are you in luv?: yes
Do u believe in luv?: yes
from the first sight?: no
on the net?: of course not

happy for u guys:)) feels good to see edd so happy....take care guys :))

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