Alexander Foster
Born:  October 17, 2001; 9:22 A.M.
Weight: 7 lbs, 4.2 oz.
Height: 19 inches
Birth:  7 lbs, 4 oz; 19" long
2 weeks:  7 lbs, 14 oz (25%); 21.5" tall (75%), and 14.5" head circumference (50%)
6 weeks:  10 lbs, 4 oz.
2 months:  11 lbs, 13 oz. (50%), 23" tall (50%), and
15.75" head circumference (50%)
4 months:  16 lbs, 5 oz (80%), 26" tall (90%), and 17.5" head circumference (95%).
6 months: 18 lbs, 11 oz (75%), 28.5" tall (95%), and 18.25" head circumference (96%)
9 months: 20 lbs,  11 oz (78%), 30" tall (97%), and 18.7" head circumference (97%)
1 Year: 22 lbs, 5 oz (75%), 31" tall (90%)