Hi and welcome to the home site of Bazookameat, We are in the process of builing a page and want to dedoicate it to home values and discuss and hold an open forum on the subjects of doggies AND hot sex but mostly about the wonderful world of HOTDOGS. We know it may seem trite but did you know that the average person can stuff more thatn 15 hotdogs in an average size mouth with little to no gagging whatsoever! Ha! bet you didn't know that didja. Also, that hotdogs can pose a serious helth risk if you cram more thatn 8 and a half dogs..with buns, into one ear and pull it out the other. These are merely examples of the diversified range of topics we will address within the forum aspect of this delkightful and informative page. No trivia here huh..right!...VCome back soon and check for undate on all our relevant societal projects! KEEP UP THE SPIRIT OF THE WONDEROUS HOTDOG! YOWSWER!!

Check out these images of my hod dog eating wife and her lovely teddy bear collection

- Home Family

Please come back soon and visit me.

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