Rachel & Doug

I was born in Eton, Slough in England on 11 March 1971 and moved to Australia with my family in March of 1974. Australia has become my home and I have lived in many places all along the East Coast of this beautiful country due to my parents being Ministers.

As a child I was very priveleged to experience many facets of life as well as discover a large part of Australia.

Around 13 years of age my parents' position changed to being houseparents to children with disabilities and we settled in a small country town in Northern New South Wales.

Here I started high school and became heavily involved in many sports such as Tennis, Netball, Basketball, Volleyball (just to name a few). When High school finished I studied a Secretarial Course at the local Technical College of Further Education and then went to work at the National Australia Bank. All through this time I knew that I was to serve God in a greater way, so I prepared myself for full-time ministry

In 1991 I arrived at Theological College ready to complete 2 years of training for ministry ordination. It was 2 weeks after I arrived there that I also met Doug - He had just been Ordained himself.....It was love at first sight.

We dated for the 2 years I was in college and for 6 months after that.

It was July 10, 1993 that Doug & I were married in Sydney. We returned from our honeymoon to Sydney and continued our ministry there. On the 16 May 1994 Sheridan was born; 2 months later we ventured into new territory......

We were appointed as Assistant Managers to a Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre in Canberra and so we moved on. We had some amazing times there and saw some real blessings of God's healing in such a devastating environment. 18 months later I had just given birth to Joshua on 6 December 1995 when we believe God shifted us into another direction...

We remained in Canberra but due to ill health and other circumstances we came out of ministry and settled down as a family. Since then we have added to that family with Courtney and Kaitlin. We now run our own business and believe that God has some special plans and amazing things ahead for us :o)

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